
i just need to no something,my grandad recently passed away and he had a pacemaker fitted my family are still a little worried that the pacemaker will still be working, do they remove the pacemaker when someone dies or do they leave it??? am confused i just want my family to no a bit more


Recycled Pacemakers

by SMITTY - 2008-11-07 10:11:29

Cabg Patch, of course you are correct about the pacemaker being removed from a deceased person but your statement "The pace maker is never reused." is not always true. Some are returned to the manufacturer where they are refurbished with new batteries tested and then sent to Third World countries for implanting in humans. Also, some are some are used by veterinarians for implanting in animals, dog especially, and possibly other animals. In fact one of our members told of their experience where they had to have a replacement PM and requested and got the old one that was removed.

But the important thing for the person whose Grandad passed away is yes the PM is removed for the reasons stated by Cabg Patch.



by Gellia2 - 2008-11-08 09:11:48

Can a pacemaker be willed to a Veterinary School?

my will

by jessie - 2008-11-08 12:11:26

in my will after death i have requested the p.m. removed. they probably do it anyway but just in case i made sure. jessie

You know you're wired when...

You always run anti-virus software.

Member Quotes

I'm 43 and have had my pacemaker four weeks today. I'm looking forward to living another 50 years and this marvelous device inside me will help me do that.