Check up

Hi! Finally got my pm checkup yesterday, having seen the doc 2 days before, bit of a mix up but finally got sorted.

I was apprehensive it being a year, but have come away feeling a lot more settled now.

My lower rate is 70, upper rate been moved up to 120. I'd had a few afibs in the last 6 months, but only up to 120, not over 300 like the previous 6 months, so pleased i never took the flecanide because i would have thought that was the reason they had almost stopped.

Confirmed again that I am in total heart block, atrium beats naturally at approx 39, ventrical occasionally. I'm pacing at 84%, got 7.25-8 years battery left, and leads could last up to 2 years.

Feel like i'm a fully fledged pacer now, and sending my application to be a pacer chick.

My legs are still dodgy but have just started back at the gym and am going to take 1st november as a new year, get the weight off ive put on and try to forget about pm.

Thanks to all the members here, if I'd not have found this site I would never really have understood properly what was happening to me, however I had a great pm technician yesterday, she took time to explain everything and answered all my questions.

Soooooooooooooo, Happy 1st birthday to my pm on halloween, I really can have the title of being a witch now!! lol

Thanks Blake, without you this wouldnt be possible.



whoops 20 years not 2!

by Hot Heart - 2009-10-29 08:10:48



by Pookie - 2009-10-29 08:10:53

That's great news!!! Glad to hear that your pm tech took the time to explain your questions.

You certainly have spunk....I wish you the very best at the gym.

I've always hated the gym and remember even as a child in school coming up with every excuse in the book to get out of gym class. Sad to say but I've never exercised in my life. Well, I tried, years ago but always got dizzy, short of breath, I know why....I have a "flat heart rate" and my blood pressure drops when I do any kind of activity or exercise...even now with my pacer. But I'll survive.

I wish you the best!!!!!!


thanks pookie and arabella

by Hot Heart - 2009-10-30 04:10:51

I felt so much better this week as soon as they turned on the rate response, itwas just like I was suddenly bought to life. Ive been running up and down stairs today, not been able to do that for a year.

I've been to the gym tonight, done the treadmill and some of the leg and arm machines, then had a swim in the outdoor pool, which was lit up in the dark and had a quick dip in the jaccuzzi. Got a date with a personal trainer on Sunday, gonna lose this 2 stone!!! but more importantly get meas fit as I can get.

Back home now and having a celebratory gin and fresh orange juice! lol

I want anyone who reads this to 'take heart',its taken 364 days but I finally feel that I am back!!! The light has been switched on, the pm keeps me well and ive got everything in the world to look forward to.


You know you're wired when...

Your old device becomes a paper weight for your desk.

Member Quotes

It becomes a part of your body just like any other part.