Wii Fit

I am a new member. 6 weeks ago I received a pacemaker. I have many questions for you all...but I will ask just one today.
I wondering if any of you use the Wii Fit program???? Before surgery I used it every day ...now I am wondering if it is too soon to start using the excercises. Thanks for the great job you all do. Very informative.


Ask your doctor

by Angelie - 2008-11-06 01:11:06

I am new to the pacemaker realm as well. Just implanted on 8/14/8, and it's great to see you here. I was restricted for 6 weeks, but after that was released to do whatever I wanted just like anything I would have done before the implant.
In fact, on my 2 week post implant anniversary I started walking 2-3 miles a day. Now, for some strange reason, have decided to train for a 5k, and I've been running on the treadmill since the 6 week post-op mark.
Cardio exercise is WONDERFUL for you. My cardiologist recommends it, but everyone is different, and everyone has different medical histories. When you're in doubt, always ask your doctor just to make sure. It's better to make sure and seem a little over cautious than to be too confident and mess something up.
Always remember this:
you are a wonderful addition to the realm of pacemakers. You have inside you a highly technological advancement that is designed to help you out in one way or another. One benefit of being a member of this elite clan is follow-up care. You've paid big time for this hunk of metal in your chest, and part of that cost is the follow-up care and attention that you deserve once having one. (my EP's nurse told me that) I LOVE her.. what an advocate she's been.

Good to have you here. I'm sure by now you've already figured out why we all flock to this place. It's nice and so comforting to be around "others".

Keep being spunky, and I'm jealous about your Wii. Can I come over and play?

if exercising is ok

by Tracey_E - 2008-11-06 01:11:31

If it's ok with your doctor for you to exercise, it's ok to use a Fit! Just don't do the yoga exercises that would get your chest near the balance board. Anything standing on it is fine! Newer pacemakers are shielded so very few things interefere with them, but if you feel bad, stop.

They are coming out with new games for the balance board this winter!!!! One is supposed to be a more challenging workout than the Fit disc it comes with.

jmbjohnston- are you really 72?

by Angelie - 2008-11-06 01:11:46

I'm sorry. After replying to your question about your video game, I got curious and looked up your bio. It's always nice to know a little more about the "newbies", if you know what I mean.
I was alarmed at your 1936 birth year. Are you serious? I mean, you're 72 and have a Wii. I say go at it man, I'm impressed.
No fair.....I'm 33 and I don't even have one. If we based personality on personal gadgets we'd have a tie as far as pacemaker implants, but man, you're WAY cooler than I am. You got it going on.
Meanwhile, let me get back to my Pong. I think I might actually ace this game one day.

P.s, please don't think I'm crazy, but cha gotta laugh a little. I'm sure that's always gonna be okay with the docs.

Wii Fit at 72

by jmbjohnston - 2008-11-08 05:11:41

Yes, Angelie I am addicted to the Wii Fit program. It is fun and makes me feel good. My husband and I have been doing the Wii Fit since May 2008. I have done some research to see if the Wii Fit is safe for folks with a pacemaker and I am happy to say we are. Thank you for your comment to my question.



by W1LL14D - 2008-11-20 08:11:41

I have been using my Wii fit ever since I got my pacemaker and have had no problems. I was worried at first, but I called the PM maker and they said it would be fine as long as I did not put the remote right up next to it.


by vikki ayto - 2008-11-25 06:11:45

Great news .. I've just brought a Wii for my 6year old for Xmas and when I read the manual thought it would be another thing I couldn't use, but reading your postings above I guess its all ok?

wii fit

by defib08 - 2008-12-01 07:12:10

I am status post ICD/PM implant 11/11/08. One of my questions to my EP was using my WII Fit. He said it would be fine once he gives me the go ahead. Obviously, if you have any dizziness or other issues, you stop. I cant wait to get back to the gym to my pilates, body wedge and weight lifting classes. I am hopeful to back to myself by the time february comes rolling along. i believe i will have to have a stress test before being allowed to go back to the gym..has anyone had to do that? I am feeling great and sometimes even forget the device is there. I must watch very carefully not to lift my arm. It is hard to do when you are raising 6 and 12 y/o boys and have a 19 y/o boy in college. We are managing. thankfully have a wonderful husband, family and friends to help me out.

i just found this site today thru Team Inspire, another wonderful group of ladies, who recommended your site. I am still roaming the site and look forward to reading, chatting and even asking some questions.

We are so lucky that the internet is available to us. What a great source of friendship, information and help.

Thanks. Debi

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You have a 25 year mortgage on your device.

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