P-STIM: Conflicting Feedback!

A device called a P-STIM has been prescribed as a non-pharmaceutical treatment for my cervical pain - specifically bilateral occipital neuralgia (almost my whole neck has been fused - I know, good grief, right?). This device is an auricular (outer ear) electro-acupuncture device that stimulates the vagal nerve. Guess it is sort of like a TENS unit?? - which is not compatible with pm's. According to my web search: 1 Hz. is delivered between 3 ?? titanium access points that are placed on the outer ear. It is usually placed on left ear for access left vagal nerve pathways. A battery system is affixed behind the ear and connected to the access points. My physician clearly said it WAS safe for pacemakers when I asked him. I briefly met the distributor's rep; she also said it was safe. When I got home after my doc's appt., I found this: The device's website said: "....pacemakers may prevent patient participation". A web search found very little research and fewer yet said basically the same thing as the statement above. I have a Medtronic Revo Surescan, the MRI-compatible dual chamber pm. I called Medtronic and they said two things: 1) They have no research that either confirms OR denies that it is safe; and 2) If the manufacture/distributor says it is UNsafe in any literature, then they have to stand behind that statement. Have a call in to both my cardio and my EP, but have not heard back - probably because they don't have much info on it, either. As there is very little info on it cannot tell for sure but it appears the manufacturer may be way out in Malasia........ I believe my doc is not one of those that will just market anything he didn't personally believe in just to make $$. If one trusts their physician, should they go with the doc or Medtronic's "never go out on a liability limb" approach to such questions? As of now, I am scheduled for a Friday insertion.... Thanks for any input.



by Yakkwak - 2013-05-07 10:05:07

Thanks Tracey for your input. The placement is not an invasive procedure so I will definately ask if a trial is possible. Yes, it is a new world. Am feeling more like the bionic woman every day.


by Tracey_E - 2013-05-07 10:05:28

it's a cya world, most of the warnings we get are pretty ridiculous or they just don't know, but pm's are very well shielded and few things affect them. When I was in pt, I was told stim was ok on extremities but not the torso. But that was regular stim, not something like this. I don't guess there's any way to try it out before doing the insertion?


by Yakkwak - 2013-05-09 09:05:23

Medtronic sided with the statement on P-STIM website - stating it's contraindicated with Pm's. Received message from doc saying my appointment for installing it has been postponed and he's looking for another distributer - no reason given. Interesting.....
Angrysparrow - yeah, a TENS sure sounds wonderful about now... sigh.

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