Revision Hell - Leads just wont stay

Hello all,
Wondering what you guys think of my situation, would like to know if anyone has ever experienced the same and also would welcome suggestions on how to proceed.

44 yr old female – very active, heavy set and very well endowed on top (more on that in a bit)

Please forgive the typo’s and medical misspell’s in advance.

July 8th, 08 I pass out for the second time in a year. This time I went to the ER and after exhaustive studies was diagnosed with Sinal Node Dysfunction Disorder (sick sinus syndrome)

The doc said I needed a PM so I eloquently asked for a 2nd opinion. A second doc confirms that PM implant would be the appropriate course of action. No big deal, outpatient surgery and the whole procedure takes about 30 and most folks go home the same afternoon. Well I figured if it would get me out of the hospital and back up and running we would go for it.

I had the impant surgery on July 10th, 2008 - I suppose a standard implant on the left side, small incision with standard staple closure and was told to come back in 2 weeks for a wound check. I took it easy, no extended arm movements and no lifting of heavy objects.. yada yada yada. Towards the end of the 2nd week I noticed that I just did not feel as good as before. I mentioned this to nurse who was removing my staples but felt like my concerns were dismissed. I was instructed to return in 6 months and I could go back to work when I felt like it.

Over the next 4 weeks I continued to continue work from home (I am lucky that I get to do that) and was getting ready to get back on the road. My job requires a tremendous of travel. I woke up that morning and felt my diaphragm was popping. I got up took a shower and the issue became worse and I decided that something was wrong and went back to the ER. The results showed that my Atrial lead was dislodged and the Ventricle lead was not capturing very well so it was hanging on by a thread so to speak. A lead revision was scheduled for the next morning. I went into surgery and everything seemed to go well until I was having trouble waking up in recovery and then all of sudden I coded. Apparently my A-lead had fallen out and lodged into or near the valve and was causing problems. I was rushed back into emergency surgery and had another lead revision that same day.

2 weeks later I go back for staple removal and the device interrogation does not look good so I go back for a chest x-ray and sure enough my A-Lead is out again. The doc is completely perplexed as he has never had this happen before in his 30 years of practicing. He proceeds to turn off the A-Lead and leaves the bottom only pacing until we can determine what to do next.

I ask for a referral to an EP specialist and schedule an appointment with a different doc at a different facility. The EP is confident that he can fix the issue and it should not be a problem. I schedule the surgery which was the 23rd of October and yesterday I went back for a wound and device check and sure enough the top lead is out and the bottom is almost out also. Again, top lead is turned off but this time the V-lead is not capturing well so it is turned up so high that it is very uncomfortable and popping pretty hard when it paces.

I go back to talk to the Doc first thing Monday morning to talk about a path forward. I frankly do not know what to do at this point and both docs believe that the problem is anatomical in nature ( I have fairly large breast) and they think that the weight simply pulls the leads out. Each time the honestly felt they had left enough slack, I have been so very careful and have worn a bra night and day since July.

So after 3 lead revisions, facing a 4th in 4 months, it is all getting very old and just need to know if other folks have ever had similar issues and if you have recommendations on where I might be able to go to do more research on options.




by Tracey_E - 2008-11-01 06:11:17

I'm so sorry you've had so much trouble!!! Four placements is crazy, you poor thing. I just can't see how the weight of your breast can pull a lead out, that seems really weird to me even if you are well endowed. You weren't lifted up with a bra when they placed it so I can't see how it would make that much of a difference later.

This is just my experience, for what it's worth. My pm is buried behind the breast rather than under the collarbone. I got my first one 15 yrs ago when I was 27. I've gained weight and had babies since then plus 15 yrs of aging, so I've gone from a perky B cup to a sagging D+ cup and my pm is now a good 2-3 inches lower than where it was originally placed. I'm still using my original leads and haven't had any problems.

Have they repositioned the same leads each time? I'm wondering if a placement more like mine might work better for you, maybe it's less stress from the weight? Or maybe (assuming it's the same leads) the type of lead is the problem, they make several types that each adhere to the heart differently. I really don't know, just tossing out ideas.

I sure hope they find an answer for you. This has been dragging on long enough and you deserve a break

New and old leads

by lywest - 2008-11-01 09:11:14

Thanks for your response. To answer your question the first & second time they used the original leads. This last time they used new ones.

So you mention that yours is buried behind the breast. What was the procedure to get it back there ? Can you share please and why was it put there in fhe first place ?


by Tracey_E - 2008-11-01 11:11:55

I'll bet your doctor is scratching his head!!! So weird that the second set of leads done by a different surgeon would come out also.

Mine was put there purely for looks! When I got my first pm, I was in my 20's, very underweight and I'm small boned to start with. The surgeon didn't want me to have an obvious lump so he called in a plastic surgeon and they got creative. Since then, it's become a bit more common to do submammary placement but you still don't see much of it, most drs don't even consider putting it anywhere else.

Anyway, they went in on my side, right about where the underwire of your bra hits, then they tunneled in and made the pocket literally behind the breast. My recovery time was a bit longer than usual because they buried it so far in there, but I don't regret it a bit. I never have any problems with bra straps, back packs, seat belts, etc. Several younger women have come here before their surgery and ended up getting theirs placed similar to mine. I think they'd all tell you the same thing- a bit rougher recovery time but very worth it in the end.

Leads Not Staying Put

by Pookie - 2008-11-02 01:11:54

Do you know what kind of lead ends they are using? Apparently there are different types of ends to the leads and the screw-in type is what eventually stuck for me.


Type of leads

by lywest - 2008-11-02 08:11:23

yes they are St Jude with the helix on the end so yes screw in type

Additional Recovery Time

by lywest - 2008-11-02 10:11:27

TraceyE.. thanks for the response. At this stage of the game i am pushing 6-8 weeks of recovery time if you add it all up so maybe a different tactic is not a bad approach. i will certainly discuss the option with my doc in the morning.

Frank.. thanks also for your response. I asked the EP if there could possibly be something wrong with my heart wall and maybe this was the cause becasue i knew it was not something I had been doing to make them come out and both physicians agree that with my age and no previous heart disease or high cholesterol problems that they did not believe it was a problem.

I have been a smoker for 30 years and quick cold turkey on July 8th. Nothing like a heart stopping to give you that boost to ceasation. I even asked the docs if this might be the issue as well and they did not think so.

Keep the suggestions coming. i am writing the all down for my 815a appt in the morning.

Other reasons for leads coming out

by ElectricFrank - 2008-11-02 12:11:45

When I had my implant the cardiologist told me he expected trouble getting a secure connection to my heart wall. In my case this was because my cholesterol had been so high most of my life (245). Actually, he had no problem at all in my case, but he did mention that plaque buildup on the heart wall can make for a rough situation. The same with scar tissue from a previous heart attack.

I'm not saying that you had any of these. I suspect there are a number of things that could cause problems. The important thing is that there can be causes other than the leads being pulled on.



by Pacey - 2008-11-04 02:11:07

I send you a pm

You know you're wired when...

Airport security gives you free massages.

Member Quotes

I, too, am feeling tons better since my implant.