
Just got pacemaker last week,first week was rough the Doctor installed lead line through my heart and I was not feeling well all week.I call Doctor three time about problems and just brushed me off till we went to ER.X-ray show the lead wire was install to far. He repaired it on tuesday morning and I am feeling better.Anyone have any advice about what to do.



by Gellia2 - 2008-09-11 10:09:36

Sorry you had such a rocky start. Lead perforation is a complication of pacemaker surgery.
I'm glad you are feeling better.
Don't forget not to raise your pacemaker side arm any higher than shoulder level and don't pick up anything heavy.
Continued good health and best to you,

Rough start

by Gonnie - 2008-09-11 10:09:50

I can't offer any advice cuz I'm pretty new to all this too (7 weeks) but mine has been pretty uneventful thankfully! It ticks me off to hear of doctors who blow off a patient's concerns. Is it that the doctors think we are overreacting or that we're so new to this that we can't possibly know what's right or wrong? I don't know but I'm sorry you have had such a rocky start. You didn't say why you needed the device but I'm sure you'll begin feeling better soon. I guess the only advice I can offer is to be patient with your healing process. Take care!


i am glad to hear

by jessie - 2008-09-12 05:09:12

you kept persisting. it too makes me sick when a pt. complains of an issue and are not listened too. i hope now you can heal and be part of this group. so welcome to the club jess

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Yesterday was my first day mountain biking after my implant. I wiped out several times and everything is fine. There are sports after pacemakers!