Postsurgical Question

Hello my pacer friends,

About 3 weeks ago I had surgery that attempted to revise my atrial lead. The surgery required that the doctors enter my chest cavity via a thoracotomy (chest crack) on my left side.

I still have considerable soreness and pain from the surgery. It seems that the bulk of the pain is in the region under my left arm. (A burning, hot knife feeling)

Question – Anyone out there that has had similar surgery, how long did it take for the discomfort to subside? What did you do to get relief in the interim?

Thanks in advance for your help I appreciate it very much!


Get it checked

by Suze - 2008-12-04 01:12:44

I'm sorry you are going through this. I had something similar two years ago when I had a right lung lobectomy. I feel for you, Chip !

I was on pain pills for a month after surgery. But the "discomfort" lasted 3 more months after that. I also slept in a reclining chair for a few weeks. (I had the pacemaker implanted the same week as the lobectomy, so both the right AND left sides were too uncomfortable to lie down).

I do think that if you are really in as much pain as you say, you should have it checked out - just to be safe. It's difficult for us to know exactly what kind of pain you are feeling. I ended up with pneumonia because I didn't go in to a doctor soon enough.

Anyway, hope this helps. And hang in there.

Post Surgery Pain

by SMITTY - 2008-12-04 02:12:09

Hello Chip,

First I have to say that your pacemaker surgery was anything but a simple uncomplicated procedure, as many of us have described it.. Your initial surgery may not have been bad, but the one to in effect to complete that PM surgery was a doozie.

I had a thoracotomy but mine was the median sternotomy. In other words they made an incision straight down my sternum and then "jacked my chest open for access to my heart for bypass surgery. My pain was considerable (I understand about the same pain as one would have with broken ribs) and it was 2 to 3 months before I could sleep comfortably. All movement was done carefully and slowly. Lying on my back was not even a consideration for several weeks. But, once the bone healing process was complete, I've never had further pain.

I certainly had nothing like what you describe as a "burning, hot knife feeling." I'll not even try to guess on that one, but unless it goes away within a couple of days I suggest that you check with your doctor.

I wish you the best,


Call your doc

by Bionic Beat - 2008-12-04 02:12:24

Hi Chip,

I've had that exact type of pain, after my recent Huge Ugly Operation.

But it was an abdominal op.,

The surgeon mentioned that I would have a severe burning sensation (at the 5 wk checkup) and I told him it was happening already....turned out to be just part of the healing.

Seeing as yours' is in your chest, IMO, it's important to call your doc and just make sure that it's an expected part of recovery.

You'd hate to miss an infection of some sort......if you need antibiotics, the sooner you get them the better.

Hope it's part of the normal healing but please call and make certain.

Best Wishes for a speedy recovery.

Bionic Beat

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