Infection and ex-plant and new implant


Over the past month I've been on 2 external pacemakers and have had 2 permanent ones implanted. I have a level 3 heart block as a result from a septal myomectomy and valve transplant. I then developed a staph infection on my first pacer and am being treated for endocarditis.

So, I am familiar with what the pacemakers should feel like. On the first 3 (1 permanent, one venous and one external through the chest), I was demand paced and kept a comfortable rhythm between 60-70 bmp.

Since the newest implant 3 weeks ago, my intrinsic rate has jumped to a very uncomfortable 85-105, so the demand has picked up to this rate as well. I also PVC and drop a beat at least 3 times a minute. Neither my doctor or pacer nurse can explain why - I suspect that the wires were not placed properly and are irritating my heart. I was put on lopressor and it hasn't helped.

Anyone else experienced this, and what was done to correct it?




by ElectricFrank - 2008-08-14 12:08:00

Do you have a copy of the last pre and post programming session? If not I suggest asking for one. There are several of us here who can help you interpret the setttings of your pacer.

One of the first things to look for is the pacing mode. It will be listed under mode and with your 3rd degree A/V block (heart block is a marketing term to scare you) you will likely be set to DDD or DDDR mode. DDD mode means your pacemaker detects your intrinsic atrial beat and uses it to pace the ventricles. DDDR adds atrial pacing and uses rate response to determine the atrial rate.

You mention that the jump in HR occurred after the most recent implant. I would suspect that the mode is set to DDDR and the rate response is set to the range you are experiencing. I am suspicious of what you are being told since some of the statements of the doc and nurse don't make sense.

It would also be helpful to request a programming session with the pacemaker rep. Most of us have found them to be much more helpful than the docs or technicians.


You know you're wired when...

You need to be re-booted each morning.

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