I'm 27 with a new ICD

Hi, I am 27 and just had my pacer/diffib put in a week ago. I have been having terrible anxiety and depression and I'm just not coping well at all. I really don't know if it is from the meds (Coreg/ Lisinaprilll) I'm on or just the pacer itself...I also just had a baby 9 weeks ago but it seems like this has all hit me at once. I never even knew I had a heart problem until 3 months before my baby was due. How long does it take to wrap your head around all this?? I just want to feel normal again.


a lot

by Tracey_E - 2008-08-10 04:08:24

Postpartum and learning about a heart condition is a lot to swallow at once! Please know that with time this will all feel normal. I've had a pm for 14 yrs now, and days and even weeks go by that I never give it a thought. It's just a part of me, a part I'm grateful to have because without it I'd be dead. I didn't see it that way overnight, but now I see it as a blessing.

I'm not familiar with the meds you're on but depression after having a baby is common, and depression after having heart issues is also not uncommon. Please talk to your doctors about this and don't let it get out of control. Discuss postpartum depression with your ob. Ask your cardiologist/ep about side effects of the medication, see if you can switch if it's causing part of the problem. Anxiety can be helped with therapy and/or medication, as can depression. Sometimes just talking it out helps. Be proactive. You've already taken the first step by finding us here. Use us! Ask your questions and talk it out and borrow our shoulders, whatever you need.

I got my first pm at 27 also. I've been there, feeling I'm the only one so young going through it, but know that there are a lot of us out here. Take some time to read through the other posts. See how many of us live full, healthy lives. See how many babies and children have pacers. And take it easy on yourself. You've had a lot to deal with and it's going to take some time to adjust, emotionally and physically.

And congratulations on your new baby! Boy or girl?

Feeliong Bad

by SMITTY - 2008-08-10 08:08:49

Hello PacerMom,

Let's take your last question first. Having a new baby, pacemaker and taking the medicines you are, my best guess is that you will be feeling pretty good about the time the baby finishes high school. Of course I'm just being a smart aleck as I have no idea how long it will take you to feel good again, but I will do a little guessing.

Unless your pacemaker needs some adjustments (which is not uncommon for a new pacemaker) it should not be making you feel poorly after a week. Frankly, most of us find that our pacemaker has us feeling better in a just a few days. Honestly now, there is no reason to be depressed over having the pacemaker. Once you get over the soreness from the surgery you should not even notice the presence of the pacemaker. you will never have anything that requires less attention that pacemaker. It will just sit there and quietly do its job day in and day out without you even knowing it is dong anything.

While I don't have one, I understand people that have a defib unit are aware when their heart gets a boost from it, but that only lasts a few seconds I think.

If I had to guess the reason for your anxiety and depression - and guessing is all I'm doing - I would say they may be caused partly by having to cope with taking care of a new baby while feeling bad. And my next guess it that your medicines Coreg and Lisnopril are a big contributor to your feeling the way you do. Coreg is a beta blocker and Lisnopril is an ace inhibitor and both are prescribed for people with heart problems. Both, or either one, can make some people feel like the devil. I would suggest that you read the side effects listed for these medicines on the information sheet that you probably got with your prescriptions. If you don't have the information sheets, there are several web sites from which you can get this information. For starters, I have used Cosco, Walgreens or the CVS pharmacy web sites to get the wanted information.

In the mean time see if you can talk to your doctor about how you feel. You have enough of a load to carry being sure your new baby is taken care of, so you don't need other things adding to your problems.

I wish you the best,


Thank you

by PacerMom27 - 2008-08-10 09:08:06

Your words have been very comforting and reassuring. Thanks for taking the time to respond. :)

...and I had a baby boy.

Daniel Gage born June 5th, 6lbs 11oz, 20.5 in.

Heart Problems with baby also

by kenslow - 2008-08-11 02:08:26

Hi Pacermom27

I never had a heart problem until I had my 2nd baby. I died during delivery. I had to be zapped back and then had to have a pacemaker put in to keep my heart rate at a good rate. This was something my husband and I would have never thought would have happened because I was in perfect health - both of us used to excersise regularly. I too am having a hard time getting used to the idea of being 32 with a pacemaker. I have very little body fat which causes mine to poke out and my now one year old always seems to kick it or grab at it. At least with the pacemaker I will be able to see my two beautiful girls grow up!

It takes some time

by locobill22 - 2008-08-11 09:08:33

I had an ICD put in 6 weeks ago. I also take Coreg and Lisinoprol. Coreg was the first medicine that I ever took that seemed to have side effects like feeling woozy or just not right. I have noticed in the past few weeks, I feel better now after taking these. Be sure and eat before the Coreg.
You have only been out a week, plus having a baby. Hang in there, you will feel better. Rest or nap when you feel like you need it, although that is tougher for a 27 yr old mom than a 59 yr old single man!

Let us know how you do.


So grateful to have found this support

by PacerMom27 - 2008-08-11 12:08:01

I just want to say again to all of you...THANK YOU!! I think is is so great to have a place to come and share my experience with people who can relate! I appreciate all the wonderful advice and words of encouragement....not to mention the humor. It has definitely put a smile on my face. :)

You know you're wired when...

Like the Energizer Bunny, you keep going.

Member Quotes

I had a pacemaker since 2002 and ever since then my life has been a total blessing.