Pain in PM area

Can anyone shed some light on what causes the pain in the pm area. I have experienced this for a while -- it comes and goes. When it comes, I feel like tearing it out! My docs don't seem to be listening.



by Tracey_E - 2008-07-26 04:07:13

How long have you had your pm? If it's been a while, it might just be scar tissue. Sometimes I can feel mine pull a bit, esp when I'm pms'ing.

If it's more recent and you have swelling with it, there might be some fluid. A heating pad on low will help it. Do it for 15 min once or twice a day until it's gone.

Hi Annabelle

by Paula - 2008-07-30 05:07:58

As Tracey long has it been in? Is it a recent implant? I've had three now, and they've all been touchy for a while after the surgery, but not much after a few weeks. The only exception is when I lift or push something heavy, Sometimes that causes a twinge or a little soreness. If yours is extreme, or if you are unsure about anything, you should ask your doctor. And if your doctors aren't listening - get another doctor. My first doctor was a gift, listening and responding to my every concern and question. Unfortunately he retired and I had to search for someone else. I've struggled with my new cardiologist because I don't think she's responsive. I'm dreading the switch, but want someone who listens. You should have someone that listens too.

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