about bioheart

someone recently wrote about bioheart and its progress in repairing scarred areas of the heart with your own stem cells injected into the heart. (bioheartinc.net), the publisher wrote on this to tell of her friend who is progressing quite well with this therapy. well, i've checked into it a bit more and if you go to the website of bioheart, i believe one of their testimonials as cited on CNN is quite unbelieveable. one of their anchors actually received the operation and is doing fine now. also in this news article they mentioned a website where anyone can find all clinical trials, many concerning the heart and complications of the heart, listed going on right now in the US.

i'm not suggesting that anyone jump into anything without extensive research into the studies and what the complications may be, but be informed that these trials are mostly 'free' for the patient because it is in its clinical stage.

i've already talked to the doctors in charge at Columbia in NYC to see if i'm eligible as a canidate. for me, the thought of getting the same operation of $100,000 which the insurance gods will probably refuse to pay, is too much of a temptation to receive it free.

of course, i've only spoken once so far, but there was no door slamming in my face and they were polite and gave me quite a few answers to my questions. put it this way, something has given me hope today and i'll be sure to let everyone know what the outcome of my first meeting will tell.

eat and live well



amazing isnt it

by walkerd - 2008-11-04 08:11:15

I have been corresponding to a guy in Michigan that went to Tialand and had the same stem cell procedure done by vescell.com that is thier website, thier procedure costs 49000 dollars he had exstensive damage to his heart dead areas that are now beating again, he went from a 30% ef to around 45 to 50 if i remember corrrectly, he is jogging, and other things. his testiomony is in there his name is james eiler i dont think i have his last name right tho. It amazes me to no end about this stem cell stuff that they use your own stem cells and do it like a cathorization to deliever it to the heart. check it out also i am going to check the site out u mentioned, i guess keep all avenues open, as i have damage to half my heart and am staying open to all options given. They give you just a few options in the USA open heart, transplant or death. its nice to know there are other options not sure how i could pay for it but working on that.

site not up yet

by walkerd - 2008-11-05 07:11:46

verger i went there and it said the site wasnt up yet but i regestered.


my bad

by walkerd - 2008-11-05 08:11:56

that was another site verger sorry.

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