Getting my pacemaker tomorrow


I'm a first timer here and am getting my pacemaker put in tomorrow. A single chamber demand pacer. I am a firefighter/paramedic (for 10 years)and have been on light duty for 15 months after bradying down to asystole after getting an exposure on the job. I have been dealing with vagal syncope syndrome and bradycardia ever since. After waiting for my body to heal itself my cardiologist and I came to the conclusion that the pacemaker is the way to go to get me back to work. I just wanted to introduce myself to you all and let you know that I will be utilizing all of your experience to help me through this. I'm sure I will have tons of questions. Thanks in advance.



by tcrabtree85 - 2008-04-08 02:04:59

Hi Carolyn,
Welcome to the pm club. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers as you go in tomorrow. I am sure things will go fine. Ask any questions you want somebody always will have an answer for you.
Take care of yourself and just relax today I suggest stopping off and renting some movies so you can have something to come home to do.
Blessings and Prayers,

Welcome to the site

by Tessy - 2008-04-08 07:04:30

I had my dual lead pacemaker fitted on 29 Jan 2008. I have found this site very helpful and I am sure you will too. There is always someone that is knowledgeable on any matter that you have a query on. You will be very lucky if you have no questions after having it fitted.

Hope all goes well for you


by cqmccann - 2008-04-08 09:04:25

Thanks for the good thoughts! I will let you know how it goes. You don't know how good it felt to have responses so quickly!

Best Site

by gsue55 - 2008-04-08 11:04:42

Hi Carolyn,

Welcome to this site. As you go along you will find some of the best people you ever will. I had my PM put in on Sept 6th 07' and I can truely say if it wasn't for this site...I think I would have totally lost my mind. I have also recommended this site to a friend that is getting a PM ut in on Friday.

Good Luck to you and Please let us all know how you are doing and don't be afraid to ask ANY quetion at all. There is always someone that has been through it or knows someone who has.

Good Luck


Good Luck

by OIMAPRINCESS2477 - 2008-04-09 12:04:22


I just wanted to say Good Luck and Welcome to our wonderful little internet family. We are here for you if you have any questions.Dont ever think that a question is to dumb to ask. :) I hope you recover well.


Good idea

by ElectricFrank - 2008-04-09 12:04:58

A pacer is a much better option than endless meds as you probably know. Since it is the night before surgery I won't give you my usual lecture. Make contact afterwards. There is a lot of helpful information and support here.


Good Luck

by pacemakerkid - 2008-04-20 09:04:04

Good luck !!!!! It may not be fun to get a PM but just think now you get to talk to us !!!! Well if you ever have any questions just ask me !!! Get well soon !!!

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My cardiologist is brilliant and after lots of trial and error got me running. I finished this years London Marathon in 3hrs 38 minutes.