Bi Chamber Pacemaker

As per my earlier posting as I am suffering from extensive breathlessness which became noticable after my Dual Chamber PM was placed, I am now told that I am to have a new BI Chamber version to try and stop this. Has any one else had this problem? I do not have heart disease per say just AF... But I now feel like the walking dead most of the time.. Has anyone else had a problem with the way their own heart reacts to the artificial paceing beat....As it would appear this is what is causing my problems... Will the Bi Chamber PM make a difference??? My doctor says there is no way to test for this reaction before or after, it was only because he took the time to ask the right questions and listen to the answers that he realised what the problem was. Apparently it is only a very small percentage of people who are affected in this way..



by susanspurs - 2008-04-03 07:04:30

Hi Bea

I had my Medtronic dual chamber PM put in at the beginning of February this year. From day one my breathlessness began combined with total lack of energy - I was never breathless before the PM. Only small exertions made me too breathless to even talk! The docs seemed to want to find anything else other than the PM and did loads of tests which found nothing else wrong with me - thank goodness! Through this brilliant forum I found out about the rate response switch and at my first PM check up 10 days ago they switched it off and my breathing is so much better - nearly back to normal now and my energy levels are returning.

Of course this simple solution may not work for you and you may need the rate response switch on if your pulse needs it - mine did not as my pulse goes up quite normally on exertion by itself. But is is certainly something worth checking if it hasn't been done so already.

Good luck.

Sue from London

Pacemaker Syndrome

by gmnordy - 2008-04-04 03:04:44

I was diagnosed with Pacemaker Syndrome about 6 months after I got my pacer and I have had it since 2003!! I suffer from shortness of breath, poor exercise tolerance, and so much more. I decided not to have it replaced because I had already had to have the leads replaced one day after my surgery. So I have had no relief for quite some time. I have my days when I feel ok but most of the time I feel like you, the walking dead.
It is frustrating. Good luck, I hope you find your answer

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