
Once in 4th grade I told my friend about my pacer and for the rest of the year I got called Robot by her for the rest of the year. She was really mean.If anyone has advice on how to deal with this stuff, then please leave a comment.


Kids can be mean... :(

by Swedeheart - 2008-03-30 01:03:36


I don't have any magic answers. I find when I have been faced with things I don't want to deal with, sometimes If I make the first comment it sometimes (not always) keeps others from making them. For example, I now tell folks I am a "Bionic woman"... there is a TV program about a bionic woman, so it is kind of a joke as I am a little retired gal with lots of gray hair.

Try not to let kids who are mean to you make you feel bad. I know it is hard, but they simply don't understand and it is one way kids "deal" with strange things. Sometimes if we say something "smart" back to them, it doesn't work well. It is even hard sometimes for grown-ups.

Having a pacemaker means you have some hard times others don't have, but it also means some things will be better! You have a "special-ness" that few get to experience. You probably already know more about science than other kids your age! You likely know more about pacemakers than your teacher!

There are a couple of good movies about Robots... one called I-Robot, the other movie with Robin Williams and he is a robot (can't remember the name), but he lives way longer than anyone else because of his technology! I don't know if your parents would let you see them, but just know the good robots were the "good guys"!

I hope others can make a good suggestion for you.


Mean Kids

by janetinak - 2008-03-30 02:03:37

Hi CarCar,

I agree with Swedeheart & I know it is hard to be called mean names. I am another older gal & I was called some mean names by a kid when I was about your age because my name is German descent & it was just after World War II. But, hey, I was able to ignore this kid & went on with my life altho it was not easy. We pacers are survivors & are lucky that we are so advanced & important to our families, friends, doctors & insurance companies that they paid for us to get PM's. So there to the mean kids. Hah!!

Keep your chin up & stay on this site with us & let us know how great your life is becoming as you go on.

Love from Janet in Alaska


by VonnieVern - 2008-03-30 04:03:38

I'm not a kid, but I teach kids. After being out for my pacemaker implant, some of my students wanted to know why I wasn't there. The word about my surgery had gotten around through some of the adults anyway, so I used the computer to show the kids what a pacemaker was. One child asked with sincerity, "Mrs. Harris, are you a robot?" I thought it was funny and laughed about it.
But CarCar, it's OK if you don't find it funny. If you don't like being called "Robot" just don't answer to it or even respond to someone who calls you anything you don't like. I've heard, it's not what you're called, but what you answer to that matters. Some people enjoy upsetting others, so don't give them what they want - if you don't let it bother you, they probably won't get much fun out of calling you names and may just stop.

$35,000 Question

by pacergirl - 2008-03-30 11:03:37

Hee hee,

When people I've told give me a hard time about being battery operated or that I am a robot.... I just smile and tell them.... Who else do you know that gets to have a gift that cost about $35,000 and is getting more expensive everyday!

Only really special people get to have one! You are not a robot! Maybe a transformer.... but not a robot... Make sure your friends know that!

My advise to you... Smile a lot and tell them you could transform at anytime. ha ha'


by peter - 2008-03-31 04:03:09

If you react in the slightest way to these silly comments it will be a trigger for them to continue affecting you. If you completely ignore such comments the offender will give up with that way of annoying you.
Although they might think of something else. Remember though it is as easy to take offence as to give offence. However taking the mick out of someone in your situation like that is bullying. Some people think that all bullying should be reported but the problem is the teachers or people in authority dont always have the knowledge ,skills or will to deal with it effectively. Sadly there are a lot of unpleasant people on planet earth and learning to be yourself and cope with others whose personal standards are not as high as yours, is part of the growing up process. Life is a journey and how you react to the good and the bad things that are bound to happen to you is up to you. Think of your experiences as character building and feel sorry for those who appear to have learnt very little. Best wishes Peter

Made fun of

by kimm102576 - 2008-04-06 02:04:57

I can tell you I had one when I was your age and yep kids made fun of me can be hard...I'm sorry your "friend" was not nice. but you know what i have found that real friends doen care if you have 8 toes...I was called Energer bunny...funny.. I know you just cant let it get to you...if it was not for your pacer they would find some else to tease about... that was just an easy target and they could not think of any better to say... But you know you have something no one else has...I look at my pacer as an angel on my shoulder...yep...we have been thru alot together some good and bad times but we made see I got my pacer when I was 1 day old...i have had all my life...I'm know 31 and married to a wonderfully guy with two great kids...and guess what... boys liked me i dated and went to dances and I found friends that did not care what was wrong with me...You cant worrie about what those kind of people think about you...Plus you sound like a great girl that anyone would be lucky to have as s friend.

If you ever need to talk or have a question let me know


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