Diaphragm Contractions

I have a two-lead pacemaker which was implanted almost two weeks ago. I go back to my Electrophysiologist in three days for a follow-up visit. All is well except that I have a twitching in my diaphragm - so strong that it's easily visible through my clothes. It feels like a hiccough, but without the catching of the breath. It occurs several times a day, lasting only a minute or so.

Is this abnormal?


Diaphragm contractions

by Beth28585 - 2008-03-28 02:03:39

Hi Tammy,

Thanks so much for your reply. I believe that the leads are located in the right ventricle and in the right atrium. I hope that it is just a matter of the correct setting - I'd hate to think they might have to go in and adjust a placement.

Thank you for your good wishes - I just know that I'm going to feel so much better than I did pre-pacemaker!



by tcrabtree85 - 2008-03-28 02:03:44

Hi Beth,
Welcome to the club. I am going to take a guess and say you are being paced in the ventricles. I am sure it is a setting issue and at your first visit they should be able to adjust those settings to help you feel a little better.
I wish you luck on your road to recovery and know that we are here for you!

Diaphragm contractions

by Pacing2 - 2008-03-28 04:03:35

Been there and done that and I know it ain't fun. I think probably the main difference was mine caused the dangest hiccups you can imagine at the most unexpected and inopportune times. I'm sure I was called rude, crude, or some other names I am glad I did not hear, a number of time before I got mine corrected to the point I can live with it.

As Tammy said these things, and many others that may crop up, can most often be corrected with fine tuning the pacemaker settings. Just remember changes in these settings are at best trial and error so it make take more than one try to solve your problem. So don't get discourged if the first try is not successful.

Good luck.

Been there

by bowlrbob - 2008-03-28 05:03:55

i have had my pacer for 2 and 1/2 years and still get those occasionaly. About 2 times a month. Before adjustments it was worse. Those are doozy's they go all the way to the toe's. They usually only last a minute or so but that's plenty. I just have to change my body position and they go away. Bowlrbob

A twitching left side

by tedlutz3 - 2008-03-28 06:03:28

i also have twitching on my left side. some twitches are stronger than others and they come and go. i had a "redo" on march 18 and have had the twitches ever since. i go to EP on April 3 so i plan to ask questions.
let us know what the DRs tell you about the twitching.
it's bothersome, but i don't know whether it is harmful or not. hope to find out soon.

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