Burns from ep testing and ablation

I know it may sound crazy but the burns I spoke of were really there. I was never sure why and when I asked I was never given a straight answer. Now remember this was in 1990-almost exactly 18 years ago. Somehow I think it was done differently. They had to treat the burns with sulfadine cream and other antibiotc ointment and I was in the hospital for 2 weeks. Today you're in and out in a day or two. I think had my ablation been more recent I would not have had such problems. They are a lot more advanced now than they were back then. It was a very bad experience but I just feel so lucky to still be here I try not to dwell on it.
By the way to the person who is on Amnioderone----I took the drug for a year and was not happy about it because of all the side effects. I don't remember what they replaced it with since it was so long ago. Good Luck with the new med Annie


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