Opti Vol on Medtronic Concerto ICD

G'day Readers
I have a bedside monitor which recently showed an alarm. My cardiologist reset the trigger bar but it has since gone off again.
My fluid trend graph shows fluid build but I have no other signs and, besides tiredness, I actually feel pretty good.
I'm told that this particular feature in this remarkable technology does not suit everyone and in my case has been turned off. Blood tests have confirmed all OK.
I have a leukemia related issue (polycythema Vera), plus diabetes 2 so my body has to deal with a cocktail of medication. This may conflict with fluid readings.
I'm content to accept the specialists advice but do wonder if any readers have similar "turn off the feature" experience.


Yes ... But Not with An ICD

by Lou - 2008-04-02 03:04:03

I have a dual chamber Medtronic pacemaker for sick sinus syndrome/bradycardia, Clive. It is the "Adapta" model which has lotsa "bells and whistles" and was implanted in November of '06. My pacemaker doctor turned off my ventrical lead about 7+ months ago with no ill effects and the device's rate adapter feature has been turned off almost from the beginning. Granted, my pacemaker is not an ICD but I am sure you will hear from others who have had similar experiences with an ICD. My Best! Lou

Opt Vol on Medtonic Concerto ICD

by Judieanne - 2008-04-02 09:04:23

What kind of monitor do you have? I was given a Medtronic CareLink monitor for my ICD. According to Medtronic, the monitor checks the phone line every day between 10:00 a.m. and noon. It interferes with our phone line when someone is on the phone.
Then the rep said that the monitor checks the ICD between midnight and 4:00 a.m. I was waking up every night when I first got the monitor, but now have come to the conclusion that it was all in my mind. The gal at the clinic where I go, said "just remember, no news is good news. We won't call you unless something is wrong". I see my cardiologist in one week. I will discuss with him just what does the monitor do. Hope to have some answers. Take care, Judy

Thanks to all

by Clive - 2008-07-07 08:07:21

Its a small world which gets even smaller when we reach out via the internet. Thank to Lou and Judieanne for their postings but also a big thank you to those behind the scenes would help make this web facility available. I've long since come to the conclusion that if we can deal with the issues in our heads our bodies will mend quickly and the support offered here must help those struggling to come to terms with the physical health issues
Thanks to all

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I had a pacemaker since 2002 and ever since then my life has been a total blessing.