Needing some advice

I just had a mechanical heart valve and a pm put in Oct 2007,
I have been haveing problems with my left arm, all the way from
neck to the elbow, I cannot lift it. and it hurts when someone
bumps it. I thought it was arthritis but my doc says it is the pm wires.


PM Pain

by SMITTY - 2008-02-05 01:02:26

Hey Val,

The doc should know since he implanted the thing. However, pain that severe and for that long from a pacemaker implant is not the norm. I say get hold of the doctor and tell him it is time to do something and if he can't do it, send you to a doctor that can. If you get static from this doctor, you might consider having a lawyer trying to convince the good doctor to get you some relief. In my opinion too many doctors are getting a free ride with their poor surgical techniques when it comes to pacemaker implants.

Now before some of you want to come looking for my scalp, I'm aware that the unforeseen can happen with any surgery. However, that does do not give the doctor the right to offer no help and from what I see in this message that is what has happened.

Good luck,



by Lotti - 2008-02-05 08:02:16

It is my valve and PM birthday tomorrow. 2 years. I had severe pain for about 5 months and it has all cleared beautifully. I could not lift my left arm and I felt as though someone had been thumping my upper arm repeatedly. I was in tears most of the time and even asked them to move the PM. I waited and I'm so glad I did. I would however advise you to give your PM tech a call and describle how you're feeling and when your surgery was. They can then make sure that mothing untoward is going on. What did they say at your 3 month check up? I hope it all goes well for you.
Take care


Pacemaker wires

by VonnieVern - 2008-02-05 08:02:55

Even if it is the pacemaker wires, what did the doctor say could or should be done about it?


You know you're wired when...

Muggers want your ICD, not your wallet.

Member Quotes

My pacemaker is intact and working great.