Legs aching

Interested to read about the guy with the aching legs going up stairs.

I still have problems with my legs feeling like lead when I attempt to go up hills or if the stairs go on forever. Whether it is because I have lost the fitness in the muscles or problem, not sure.

Still running and have just started body pump classes again.

I am going to ask my Cardiologist at the Pacer Clinic when I go in March, just trying to remember all these different things I want to ask.




by Angelie - 2009-02-03 11:02:38

What is body pump classes? I just had to ask. I'm assuming it's like aerobics, or something similar.
Pacergirl had a recent post about her legs giving her problems when she went upstairs. Maybe she'll chime in soon.
I hope both of ya'll get to feeling better soon.


Body Pump

by Jules - 2009-02-04 03:02:48

Body Pump is an hour long class and you work out with a bar bell and weights of varying poundage.

You do squats, lunges, biceps triceps, shoulders and to end crunches for the stomach.

Read the answer to the leg ache, and see that more exercise to build up the muscles seems to be the answer.


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I wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for pacemakers. I've had mine for 35+ years. I was fainting all of the time and had flat-lined also. I feel very blessed to live in this time of technology.