Once again...

Sorry, I hope I am not irritating you guys but recently I posted that I thought my pacer was moving. Well, while I was bathing this evening I think, no I'm sure, I have found what it was in my armpit that has been bugging me. It feels like a wire! I had my husband to feel of it as well. He didn't really know what it was he was feeling, he was just going by what I said. When he ran his finger over it lightly, I told him when to stop and then he felt it. I didn't mess with it though, I don't want any trouble out of it. I'll just be glad when I go to the cardio next month and show it to him and he can tell me what and if he can do about it. I can't believe this is going on when I didn't have a lick of trouble out of my first one. Again, I appologize and hope I am not being silly about this. I am just worried what it could lead to...



migrated lead?

by Pookie - 2008-07-15 02:07:45

If I were you I'd get into see your family doctor as soon as possible if you are worried about it and ask the doctor for a simple Xray.

And don't apologize....we are here to help and support one another.

good luck and keep us posted.


Your doctor immediately

by hturatram - 2008-07-16 12:07:09

Hi Pacie,
I agree with Pookie; call your doctor and ask for an immediate appointment. Don't wait. It may be nothing
but it is better to find out right away. Again, Pookie's
idea of an xray is good
Good luck, Hturatram.

You know you're wired when...

You have rhythm.

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