New Replacement Message

The technical manual for the Medtronics Adapta series has a section called "New nomenclature for product battery life terms".
The terms are to become part of a new industry pacemaker standard so should apply to all makes.

The old ERI (elective replacement indicator) is now
RRT/ERI (Recommended Replacement Time.

This should make it easier to get a replacement sooner. It doesn't sound as optional as the word Elective.

Two other changes:
BOl (Beginning of life) is now BOS (Beginning of Service)
EOL (End of LIfe) is now EOS (End of Service)

I never like that End of Life..was it talking about me or the pacemaker? G(:



me neither frank.

by jessie - 2009-10-15 04:10:24

i never like that term. it is used when they can't do more in repair so that is their term. i believe other things keep you alive. being as active as one can be is one. attitude yes i can. comfortable in a relationship helps or living alone after having had a good relationship. they use that term when like i repeat myself all has been done that can be done. that is just not true. there are new things coming round every day and being discovered. so have a lovely day frank jessie


by ElectricFrank - 2009-10-15 06:10:29

Had my ofc check today. All going fine. Battery life is 5-11 months so I'm getting there. Maybe I'll just order one on the internet and install it myself. Or maybe I could cut the old one out, drill a hole in it, and pour in 150 million beats. That should take care of me for a few years (unless they had to recall the beats)


replacement message

by dottodot - 2009-10-15 08:10:59

Frank, thank you for all the work you do and messages on this board. I'm much more comfortable with this. Even though my Adapta was placed this year I was a little concerned about what would happen when I needed a replacement especially since I read that they needed to go into EOL before Medicare or insurance would consider replacement. The changes in technology have made it possible for us to continue to live full, productive lives and I'm glad for my PM every day. dottodot

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It is just over 10 years since a dual lead device was implanted for complete heart block. It has worked perfectly and I have traveled well near two million miles internationally since then.