Your prayers I thank...

  • by bunnykin
  • 2010-05-07 01:05:29

Hi friends, its me bunnykin; Thanks so much for your response to my post. I have been to my EP today with my hubby. I usually don't go with him cos he never really needed to. Today is different as I thought I was going to throw in the towel and ask my EP to please, please just do the ablation (4th one) and give me back my life, my normal active life. Don't get me wrong, I like my EP a lot cos he's not too invasive or interventional. I told him that my life has been so disrupted recently since the shocks from my ICD and the response to activity from my device is one of "unusual and sensitive". I'm so so afraid and I'm really depressed. Told him that I'm really going to give up...I've cried quite a bit the other night. I've never been a whiner, nor have I ever really displayed "suffering" in the presence of family members or friends, but the other evening my hubby knew I was really battered by my whole heart situation. I am quite maimed by this whole affair of tachycardia, either from Junctional or Ventricle. I just want to get WELL. I need to get back to my usual normal active self....but will an ablation of the AV node going to do just that for me??? I need to get some confirmation or assurance. I'm afraid my EP today has told me that we probably should wait awhile and try another combination of medications before we decide on the procedure. So....friends...back to square one. Waiting game and meanwhile I am so so scared of the unexpected episodes that just happen out of the blue! How to live in such limbo and uncertainty?! Well I have another appointment with EP the week after as he's away for conference in the US, so I'm going to appeal again for your prayers for God's hand in my case and ask Him to give the doc wisdom when we discuss again. I'm only praying that between now and then I have NO EPISODES please....enough is enough. Thanks to all. bunnykin


Will Keep Praying

by Genie - 2010-05-07 02:05:39

I'll keep praying for you. For no more episodes, and that your EP comes back full of wisdom and knowledge that will help you to get back to normal.

Hang in there. I'm sure God has a plan for you, so just try to trust him a little longer. I know (from personal experience) that this is much easier said than done, but it always helps me to have someone remind me.


Thank you kindly...

by bunnykin - 2010-05-08 11:05:21

For your support and warm encouragement. I will keep you all informed and updated as to how I'm getting on with my EP visits and future decision and development regarding course of treatment on my current arrhythmia problems. Hugs and gratitude...bunnykin

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