Benign please Lord--Monday...

  • by bunnykin
  • 2008-04-27 12:04:39

28th is the date for my husband's surgery. It's been a long dreadful week but the weekend has been tranquil. Thank God. Church was usual but there was peace in our hearts after the service. Paul and I had many friends from the cell group who helped pray and so did our pastors.(Little mercies...God is good).
We are both very aware that you folks out there have been so vigilant thinking about us lately and we're comforted indeed.

Tonight I shall try to have a good sleep even if it means taking a mild tranquilizer to assist me. (never really liked to depend on such stuff normally).
Operation at 3pm and I'll definitely come back to you my "soul mates" and heart device friends for update. Pls do continue to ask our Lord to be merciful so that the tumour is easy to remove and the histology come back benign?
Once again, my family are grateful to your prayers...
Shalom and goodnight.



by jessie - 2008-04-27 02:04:50

i will be thinking of you and oyur husband to-morrow. prayers your way jess

Will be thinking of you

by bambi - 2008-04-27 10:04:00

both tomorrow. Prayers and the best wish for a happy outcome!

Prayers for you!

by bini - 2008-04-27 12:04:48

I will be sending prayers your way. I hope the surgery goes well and I will pray that the results come back as benign.
I pray that your husbands surgery goes well!

Praying for you and your family,

Prayers for you both

by Wannabe - 2008-04-28 01:04:04

I lit a candle for your husband and for you yesterday in St Alban's Church, Holborn, while I was in London. You continue in my thoughts and prayers. Wannabe

Best wishes!

by Swedeheart - 2008-04-28 01:04:23

Will be thinking of you and your husband! I hope the surgery goes easily and well and you receive good news! Keep us posted.


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