Does anyone know what sports can be played while having a pacemaker? I was on a step team & a dance team for aout four years. Stopped both last year. And now all of the sudden, my cardioligist to me I can no longer do either of them. I need to find something new to do! PLEASE HELP! :/



by Tracey_E - 2010-11-08 06:11:06

Why did you get the pm and do you feel up to it? If we are otherwise healthy and the pm fixes our heart issues, generally the only thing they tell us not to do is full contact sports. There are some really conservative drs out there, tho. I would ask why he no longer wants you dancing.

Ok, just looked at your profile and saw your age... do you still have your pm in the abdomen (where children typically have it) or has it been moved to your chest (where adults typically have it)? You're at that inbetween age where you're not an adult yet but definitely no longer a little kid. If it's in the abdomen with epicardial leads and you are growing, he might be worried about your leads for now, they can get tight as you grow. Once they can put it on your chest and give you leads in the vein, you should be able to go back to whatever you want.

Don't be afraid of asking questions! Or get your parents to do it for you. It helps me to take a written list to appts so I don't get sidetracked/distracted. Good luck!!

Hi Hailey

by Heidiglassmeyer - 2010-11-08 07:11:32

Tracy already gave you great advice! Maybe make a list of activities you would like to be involved in and go through the list with your Dr. to see which ones are "ok". Also as Tracy mentioned, is the specific activity a temporary restriction? I know it can be frustrating to be restricted from something you enjoy especially when you are young. I am not young by any means however, when I had a temporary restriction (6 mo) from a sport I loved, I found it to be very frustrating!

I wish you the best and hang in there!

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