
Ok, well the doctor I saw today actually cared about me! So refreshing!!!! The first thing he said (well, besides greeting us) was (in my own words) "Well, your legs look mottled and your hands have a bluish tint. I am pretty sure you have Raynaud's Disease." I figured that out months ago! And then he said that my slow heavy heart beats may be caused due to a possibly ill - calibrated sleep mode on my pacer, which is programmed to go down to 50 b.p.m. So, he turned it off! I am still feeling these sensations, though... Anyway, the hospital that I usually go to claims that if I really were having these "slow" beats, they would have showed up on the pacer's memory, but the Medtronic rep. there today said that my SDR didn't have that feature!!!!! I am going to believe the Medtronic lady... And then he said that I couldn't date boys until AT LEAST I finished 4 years of college and that I have to pick up my room (because my bra was flung to the floor while I was putting on the paper robe thing for the ECHO), and that I have to cut back SEVERELY on the caffeine; I AM GOING TO DIE WITHOUT COFFEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I also have a hole in my chest where the ribs and breast bone don't meet (from a previous surgery) and that is where the pain comes from. The only thing I can do about it is take 3 - 4 1 hour walks a week with somebody so that if I get dizzy they can pick up my carcass off the street. :) And then I have to start jogging for 5 minutes... Anyway, thanks for the prayers; they worked!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Night! :)


good news

by Tracey_E - 2009-05-14 07:05:58

Sounds like you finally got someone to pay attention!!! That's wonderful to hear. I'm sorry to hear the chest pain may not go away but at least you know what it is now. Sounds like you found a winner!

Raynaud's Disease

by Pookie - 2009-05-14 08:05:20


As Tracey said, I'm glad you were listened to, it can make all the difference in how we feel, right?

Raynaud's Disease....will you be on any meds? I'll have to google it.

Coffee...I had to give it up too because it was hurting my stomach. I didn't stop cold turkey however, I just started decreasing my intake daily until one morning I just knew I could live without it. Still love the smell of it brewing though.

And you are 100% correct...I've been told that when in pain, to do some exercising. I didn't believe it for a second, but then I gave in and decided to give it a try and you know does work!!! Does housework count as exercise? Today I gardened for 3 hours, and it was wonderful.

And the dating issue...I'd have to agree with the doctor, wait!!!!!!! enjoy being single for as long as you can and then when you're ready, you'll just know.


Advise from downunder !!

by Rewiredaussiegirl - 2009-05-14 09:05:43

Hi have my sympathy as I have Raynauds Disease.
You are lucky that you were diagnosed early.I used to be sooo embarresed about my cold blue hands.
there is no cure... but knowing that you have it you can make yourself comfortable by wearing nice warm gloves in the cold weather.Ginko biloba boosts up your circulation...but unfortunatly is a no no if you have high bp or a heart condition.
Seems like us girls get Raynauds more than the men.!!
I am not supposed to have much coffee so have cut it down to 1 a day and boy do I enjoy that cup.
It is the highlight of my day.
Keep up your lovely cheery outlook on life !!!...It is the best thing to overcome all the bad things that happen to us...Keep smiling,

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