Pacemaker check-ups

Hi there everyone
I am again going for my pm check up tomorrow. Does anyone else have a fainting feeling when having pm checked. I mentioned it to my technician and he cant understand why I get these feelings but nothing is done about it.
I dont quite understand what happens when being calibrated in (now had a pm for over 22 years) and still dont understand.
It is as though they slow heart rate down really low and I feel faint as if I dont have a pm, then I feel ok again.
Hope this makes sense and dont sound stupid.
Any help would be grateful.
Thanx - Fluzy Suzy


Fainting feeling during PM check...

by ADalsmom - 2009-05-25 02:05:01

Hi "Suzy",

I know exactly what you're talking about with the light-headed feeling during your PM check. I used to wonder why and my first EP office would check and I'd get very dizzy feeling and I asked why....they never explained. It wasn't until I changed EPs and they were considerate enough to tell me that I would be getting light-headed for a minute or less...I asked them why and they told me that during a PM check, they drop the settings very low (your heart rate is probably about 40 at that point) and then they try different settings until they decide on the best setting for you. The reason for your dizziness is the extreme drop in your heart rate while they are running their tests. You were right on it when you said it felt like your heart rate was lower.

Hope this helps to could ask the doctor if that is the reason, to reassure yourself....on your next PM testing.....

Good luck....Claudia


by Tracey_E - 2009-05-25 10:05:05

I always feel funny during checks! It reminds me of the feeling when an elevator comes to a stop. They do all sorts of tests- turn it up, turn it down, mess with the thresholds.

Very normal

by Suze - 2009-05-25 11:05:03

I was told it is normal to feel a strange sensation during the PM check. Some people are more sensitive than others to the feeling. My tech limits my time for "testing" to 5-10 seconds since I hate it so much. It reminds me of the feeling on a roller coaster.

In my case, they say they are also checking as to what my natural heart rate is. ( It's 35-40 bpm).

me too

by brokenheart - 2009-05-26 02:05:09

Hi there....i also experience lightheadedness every time they check my settings. My doctor says i am very sensitive to little things so every time i go they tell me to sit in this big comfy chair in case i pass out i wont go far. My doc also warns me ahead of time when he is going to change something or when he thinks i will feel lightheaded. So, i just close my eyes and take a deep breath is very unpleasant because i feel like an elevator is crushing my chest and like im going to pass out. I get very pale but it only lasts a couple seconds while he adjusts it. Im 100% dependent on my pacemaker so at times when they turn it off to check my underlying pulse i feel lightheaded too. My suggestion would be to ask the doctor to let u know when he is making these changes so at least u can have a heads up before feeling ill. Hope this helps. God blesss.

Queezy too

by StarWish624 - 2009-05-26 03:05:33

I get the same feeling, and I get queezy when they are in the middle of the test. I am careful not to eat within a few hours before the test. Not a fun feeling. It's sooooo hard to be an 'adult', isn't it? We have to put on a brave face, but inside, we really just don't want to be there. We want to be in bed with the covers pulled over our heads, feeling safe. :-)

Try this

by ElectricFrank - 2009-05-26 12:05:06

I had the Medtronics rep turn mine completely off for long enough to see what my base rate is. I tried it twice, once sitting and the second time standing to see if I would pass out. That was a couple of years ago and my HR dropped to 35, but I stayed conscious. I should have him try it again soon.

As for the checkup my Medtronics takes a recordings at 85BPM, 100BPM, and 55BPM. During the 100BPM part the pacing voltage is lowered until pacing fails and then increased until it restarts. This is used to set the optimum voltage for reliable pacing and best battery life. It is at the sudden changes in HR or the skipped beats that we feel the funny flutter.

You may find that knowing what is happening will lessen the dizziness. We are very sensitive emotionally to the feeling of light lightheadedness, and often our response makes it worse. At the next checkup try breathing deeply and gently during the test you may be surprised. The Medtronics reps know me as the weird guy who gets "longness of breath" rather than shortness.


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