PM Placement Problem?

I had a av node ablation in Feb. 2007 and have a Biotronic two lead pacer. I am 100% dependent . My arm underneath on the pm side has a fluid sack (lymph gland) about 2 in. by 4 in. Under my arm by my breast is sore and seems irritated. I wonder if my pm has moved for I have a point sticking up on one side and it seems to be bothering under my arm. I am 73 yrs. old and was disgustingly healthy before I got hit with Afib in 2006. I wonder if it is serious enough to warrant having it moved. I cant sleep on my left side or the right side. Just my back It sure has messed with my quality of life. Also my pm was set high in the hospital because I am 100% dependent. It was on 75 to 135. They changed it once because I comp;lained of a pounding heartrate and it felt worse and I had to have it put back. What does anybody think? Do you guys have as much trouble as I do in getting answers when I am in for check? Thanks much. DD


I think....

by Carol - 2008-01-22 10:01:22

....BE PERSISTENT in getting answers from your Doctor and/or techs at the Pacer Clinic. Only you know how you feel and I assure you there are many of us who have needed multiple adjustments along the way. I too just want to feel better! Seems you should be able to sleep in any position at this point, so maybe you're right something has shifted. Is your doctor aware of your concerns? And,YES, I have had trouble at times getting answers (I usually write all my questions down before my visit...but still often forget something), but you know what? Even though it's sometimes tough for me to be assertive and call back with what I may have forgotten...I do it anyway because it's worth it to me for MY peace of mind. The other thing is, I am a nurse, and I try to remind myself that I have never minded answering questions for my patients and I bet my nurse doesn't mind either. Afterall, most of us like to help. Sorry for rambling, but seems it might be time for you to write down all those concerns and questions and pay your doctor another visit. Take Care, Carol

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I am just grateful to God that I lived long enough to have my ICD put in. So many people are not as lucky as us; even though we sometimes don't feel lucky.