Heart muscle twitching

I'm going to ask if anyone is experiencing or has experienced a "twitching" of the heart after PM implantation? Not anything that is visible through the skin, but it seems like it should! It started the day of implantation. At that time, it was an average of 200 to 500 twitches a day . . . very, very light twitching, irregular, and slower than my heart rate, and sometimes going a few hours of just being normal, i.e., not aware of any movement at the heart. My PM was set at 50 at the time, and heart rate was often 52 to 60. Now PM is set at 70 ( so PM is working lots more of course) and the "twitching" (spasms?) has doubled. Doc has no clue or no ideas. I can live with it, but it is just bothersome, like an eye twitching would be bothersome. Any thoughts? ~Jean


muscle twitching

by iksonak - 2008-04-27 07:04:01

Hi, my pacer was put in sept, 2005. for the first 10 days i had a horribly constant twitching. I told my doc and he said it was just muscle spasms, it would go away. It did not. He saw me again & this is what he did: the lead was sending signals to my diaphragm. The bottom of the lead has two places where the signal can be sent, one at the very end and one about an inch back from the end. Mine was set at the end, so he got on his computer and reset it for the point an inch back. As he hit the Enter key on the computer, the twitches stopped. I could have kissed him. Have not had the problem since, and I have shared this with many people who did not know such a thing existed! If your doc doesn't know how to do this, call the manufacturer's rep--i also had to have the rep come and redo my settings at another time for better pacing. Good Luck.

I know what you mean.

by urlilheartdefect - 2008-04-27 07:04:06

I have the same porblem but my cardio just thinks I am a hypochondriac. ts so annyoying! Depending on how long you have had it, you stop noticing it as much, my pacer is set at 50 and when I sleep is when I feel it the most...

Make your physician believe!!

by iksonak - 2008-04-27 07:04:38

Hey, print this all out and bring to your physician....worth a try!

twitching issue

by iksonak - 2008-04-27 07:04:55

I must make this statement: When you have a medical issue, do not stop informing your physician, and if he does not believe you, find one that does!!!!! I am a nurse, so for me to complain to a physician, he has to know I have considered all other options. When I told him about my problem, I too felt like I was being patronized....boy, did he apologize when he discovered that I wasn't just imagining the twitches!!!!
Patients MUST stick up for #1....because no one else is as interested in your problems as you are...either for yourself or a loved one.
Be persistent!!
Good Luck.


by BOB 1 - 2008-04-27 10:04:43

One more suggestion. If you think your doctor does not believe you put your complaint in writing to him. If that does not get the response you know you need in a few days, send a copy of that message to the hospital administrator where you got you pacemaker. Those of us that have dad pacemakers for several years and have had out problems with the things have learned the hard way that a dumb or lazy doctor's easiest reply is "it is not your pacemaker." Too often it requires drastic steps to get their attention and get you help.

Same issue

by jrbott - 2008-05-09 08:05:39

I am having the same issues after having my icd installed 3 days ago. I am glad to have found this site. It is noticeably worse when I lay on my left side.

Drives you crazy.



by annabelle68 - 2010-07-28 01:07:07

My heart does not twitch but an internal muscle is twitching. I am glad I am not crazy. Sometimes I think I am. My Dr believes me but he does not know how to fix it. Any info on how to fix it will be appreciated.

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At age 20, I will be getting a pacemaker in few weeks along with an SA node ablation. This opportunity may change a five year prognosis into a normal life span! I look forward to being a little old lady with a wicked cane!