Alcohol vrs. Gummies or neither?

Well my ep doc strongly suggested that I quit drinking alcohol to avoid irregular rythms. I had one incident where my defibrillator activated and it happened to be the morning after having two rum and cokes. It was determined that my pacemaker sensed ventricular tachycardia. So that convinced me to stop drinking. That was 7 months ago. I'm doing fine without drinking but I do miss the "happy" part of "happy hour". I'm thinking about trying cbd gummies. Does anyone have input concerning problems with cbd? I will ask my doc about it but I doubt if he will like the idea. 



by piglet22 - 2024-10-16 06:18:07

Firstly, I'm not going to sit in judgement of anyone who likes an alcoholic drink.

I couldn't as I like a beer or a glass of wine. No medic has ever said it's bad for me. I make my own judgement, it's personal.

I do wonder about happy hour though.

I drink with a meal seems reasonable to me, but happy hour isn't the same. In UK terms, it is associated with cheaper drinks. I notice here that pubs are busier on Friday evenings.

I would want to see some better evidence than associating two rum and cokes with a tachycardia event.

Maybe there's a fine line between drinking in a drinks only establishment and having a drink as part of a meal.

What I wouldn't dispute is the need to have something to look forward to. It could be something that marks the end of a busy day.

Are gummies a substitute? My problem with these are the cannabis association. There's a High Street shop here that sells CBD products, and it is openly portraying itself as a recreational drugs outlet

 It's still there so I guess it's legal

A well known pharmacy chain, Boots, sell gummies, but only on mainland UK. They cannot be sold in the Channel Islands, so there's some doubt about them.

I wouldn't be tempted to use them as a substitute because of the cannabis connection.

I might have different views if I had a defibrillator. If it was a proven cause of tachycardia resulting in a shock, I would drop alcohol tomorrow and I wouldn't look for a substitute.

On the other hand, stress is a killer and that unwinding period could be beneficial as well.

A tough choice.


CBD products - gummies

by Gemita - 2024-10-16 06:22:46 is increasing data that,healthy way to consume it).

Bob Sr, are they safe with a heart condition?  I don’t know.  I suppose it depends on the quality and quantity of the product you intend taking and why?   I see more research is still needed (see link above which you will need to copy and paste into your browser to open) to confirm the safety of CBD products. 

If the gummies are to be used to achieve periods of “happiness”, should we perhaps be looking at some alternative ideas to help you to achieve the same feeling of well being?  I take it you are not looking for relief from pain or anxiety or something like this?

I would be slightly concerned whether a CBD product might cause unwanted symptoms, particularly since you have a serious heart condition requiring a defibrillator to keep you safe?  

You clearly need an opinion from a health professional, particularly if you are taking certain medications.

Grapefruit juice is more commonly referenced on medication labels, but CBD products apparently can also adversely interact with many of the same medications as grapefruit juice because CBD products can also inhibit an enzyme which helps break down medications in the body.  This can result in our regular medications not working as effectively, potentially causing too much or too little of the med to stay in the body, increasing the risk for serious side effects. 

I hope you come to the right decision for you and that you remain safe and happy

Food Standards Agency

by piglet22 - 2024-10-16 07:26:46

"In February 2020, the UK FSA advised vulnerable people, such as pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, and those already taking medication for other medical concerns not to take CBD. The FSA further recommended that healthy adults should not consume more than 70 mg CBD per day"

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