Getting an osteopath treatment

My osteopath siad that the pacemaker is touching my shoulder bone.  I know that the surgeon really jammed it up against the shoulder bone when he put it in.  I have a lot of issues with my should and the facia and tendons in the shoulder.  Is it ok for the osteopath to work close to the device and if so how sturdy is the device to withstand a bit of massage etc.?


Ask your dr

by Lavender - 2024-06-11 22:36:56

I would ask the dr who inserted the pacemaker if treatment around it is ok. I never heard of one being jammed against the shoulder. 

I go for therapeutic massage but I never permitted the masseuse to touch the area around the pacemaker. My cardiologist told me not to touch it unless washing. 


by piglet22 - 2024-06-12 07:43:37

I agree with Lavender.

Get clearance from your cardiologist first.

My guess is that that they will tell you that manipulation in the device area is not a good idea.

You have leads, loops, connectors there.

I'm not saying shoulder is wrong, but implantation below or close to the collar bone is the normal place as this allows access to to the vein in a tidy manner. Just feeling, my device is 5 to 6 inches below the collar bone and easily felt through the skin from the front.


by Tracey_E - 2024-06-12 10:27:26

I've had chiropractors and massage therapists work on my shoulder. I let them near my device but not touch it or work over the veins that hold the leads. I don't have a traditional placement so I have a copy of my xray that shows exactly where all my hardware is.

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