Battery gauge indicator

I was curious if anyone with a boston scientific device knows how long is left on your device when it gets to the yellow section on the battery gauge indicator?  Mine is almost to the yellow section, and then after that there is a very thin  red section near the end, which I assume is end of life (eol) and definite explant and replacement time.  Was wondering if the yellow section represents 6 months left on the battery?  Thanks!



by Lavender - 2024-05-20 18:33:05

I have a Boston Sci and get those colored graphic prints on my report. Your report also states the battery life left. On their website:

Current battery status is graphically displayed as a needle position on the Battery Status gauge. Three important values are marked on the gauge:

Beginning of Life (BOL)—battery is at or near full capacity, and all therapies are available

One Year Remaining—approximately one year of full device function remains

Explant—battery is nearing depletion and has reached the point at which device replacement must be scheduled

The needle on the gauge moves from Beginning of Life to One Year Remaining in half-year decrements, to provide a visual indicator of current battery status. At One Year Remaining, the gauge moves in monthly decrements until approximately 3 months remain, at which point the gauge stays positioned at 3 months until the battery status reaches Explant. At this indicator, device replacement must be scheduled.

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