Still Itchy?

I am 7 months post-op and doing fine but for my incision still itches. Not constantly, but frequent enough to be bothersome. I've used the major scar creams and oils to help relieve the irritation, but they haven't helped. Have any of you been bothered with problem? Any home remedies out there that you've tried?

Thanks and best wishes for a healthy and happy New Year. Patsy



by gmnordy - 2008-01-03 01:01:07

What CathrynB described is exactly what I had and did. My derm used Kenalog as well. I had it done because my scar was keloid and I did not realize it would help with the itchiness. And like CathrynB's doc, my EP and GP were not happy I did it.
Hope you can get some relief!!

Tape Rash

by ela-girl - 2008-01-03 01:01:43

I also had this problem but it ended up being a tape rash that I got from the tape they used to cover my incision area. They had glued my incision and not used stitches so they put this large, square piece of clear 'tape' over the incision to help hold it together. It was on there for weeks before being removed. I was surprised that you could get a tape rash months after the fact, though. I honestly can't remember what my EP gave me to get rid of the got better and that is all that matters! Sometimes I still have itching because of the wire under the incision. It can be maddening!

Just thought I'd add my 2 cents...


by gmnordy - 2008-01-03 10:01:36

Yes mine itched it seemed like forever! I used Eucerin Calming Cream a lot, didnt work all the time but helped a little bit. Interestingly enough, (and against my drs wishes) I had a dermatologist inject my scar because it was so puffy I couldnt stand it, and after that the itching was almost gone and the scar was smooth too!

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