Dealing with new pacemaker & the constraints of Covd

 I am a new member. Just got my pacemaker on 7-9th. I have been looking for somewhere to see what other people are experiencing or have experienced. I was glad to find this outlet. I was reassured to see that being depressed, especially being isolated as we are all, is pretty normal. I have always slept on my left side, so sleeping has been a problem trying to get comfortable on my back or right side. Hard to "behave" and not do the things I would normally do. I look at the dust bunnies and crabgrass taking over my flowerbeds and tell myself - walk on, walk on. I am so bored, I can only knit, watch TV, watch movies, work on a puzzle, cook or play games on my computer for so long. I am finally able to walk the dog, so I have been taking small walks each day. I get tired easily still. Thanks for letting me ramble on. It is hard when those around me don't understand what a challenge this all is. I look fine to them



by Tracey_E - 2020-07-30 09:49:24

Glad you found us! You are absolutely not alone.

Is there a reason you can't do your flower beds? We shouldn't be lifting anything heavy or raising the left arm overhead, but other than that it's important to use the arm normally so the shouldn't doesn't freeze. Unless something else is going on and as long as you feel up to it, go attack those flower beds! Walking is fine also. It's normal to be tired, it takes the body some time to adjust, but it's ok to ease back into your normal, if isolated, life. 

Welcome, and no, you are NOT alone!

by Mark.n.NC - 2020-07-30 12:16:33

Welcome! And I agree with what Tracey_E said. Get out there and play in the flowers and chase those dust bunnies. For the first few weeks after your pacer implant surgery, you do have to be careful about lifting your left arm and picking up heavy items. But after you're healed and you feel up to it, you should be fine to get back to a regular routine. Honestly I was terrified my pacer would pop through my chest wall if I laid the wrong way or lifted my arm too high. It didn't happen. It was just anxiety which is normal. I think most of us felt that same way. But you should be fine as long as you 'pace' yourself and don't strain past your limits. So get outside and enjoy the fresh air in this new normal we're in. Good luck! 

Thank you

by RebeccafromSunnybrookFarm - 2020-07-31 10:01:23

Tracey & Mark,

I appreciate the encouragement. I was told no sweeping with the vacuum, no digging or prying up weeds, pulling the hose to water the garden, or hauling buckets of weeds were also a no-nos. I have planted a few flowers, but carrying a watering can to water things outside was "out" since it was over five pounts. I have been using my arm a lot so there is no worry of freezing. The only worry I have is with overdoing or lifting things too heavy yet. I tended to overdo before I wasn't able to anymore due to all the cardiac issues. I was told it would be 6 weeks before I could return to normal activities. I have a dual pacemaker and am slight of build, so I think they are cautious of me overdoing and shifting the wires. (Pluse they know me pretty well and how I try to do it myself instead of asking others). I have always been the energizer bunny so the past four years of dealing with all the cardiac limitations have been frustrating to say the least. The cardiologist said this may not get me back to my old self, but hopefully help. I am looking forward to any improvement that it ends up being. Most people I see say how "great" I look and expect me to do my normal routine and have no understanding of the whole process..It is refreshing to share my concerns with others that do understand.

Thank you again and have a nice weekend.


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I finished 29th in London in 2 hours 20 minutes 30 seconds which is my fastest with or without a device so clearly it didn’t slow me down ! I had no problems apart from some slight chaffing on my scar - more Vaseline next time.