Surgery number 1

Hi all, Thought I would let you know what my afternoon is going to be like. I will be having surgery today around one or so. They will be removing pacermaker and leads. For the next two days I will not have a a pacermaker on which is pretty insane. I will have the pads hooked up at all times incase they have to shock me. This is to help the infection to heal more and then Fri I will go back in and have pacer placed on opposite side.
So say some prayers and I will keep you posted as I can.



thinking of you

by nat36 - 2010-02-24 01:02:02

I hope this goes very quickly and smooth for you! You are in everyone's thoughts and prayers!


by cfritza - 2010-02-24 02:02:00

Sending well wishes and prayers your wasy for a complete and quick recovery! Carol

No Touchy!!!

by donb - 2010-02-24 02:02:14

Hi Tammy, With all our Prayers & get well wishes you will do fine. I shouldn't have to mention about the "no touchy me" without proper hand cleaning. Just heard on the news the other day about how lax hospital caregivers are these days. It's our responsibility to remind everyone to use sterile gloves as more & more people are getting seriously ill from hospital bugs getting passed around. I don't want to be so negative but having a family member nurse I get reminded regularly of bad personal habits by hospital personel. I also observed this less than a week ago as a patient. Enough!! Tammy, Prayers are still with you and better days ahead! donb

Good luck from me

by chippy22 - 2010-02-24 02:02:23

Hi Tammy,

Good luck from me, charlotte aka chippy22 in england. Keep positive, best of luck. xx


by jessie - 2010-02-24 02:02:59

i am looking at the time and it is one thirty so you are either done or in the middle...praying for you and hoping you come thru this really well your friend jessiexxxooo

Sending Prayers Your Way

by ejones10 - 2010-02-24 03:02:35

Tammy.....I'm praying that everything went well and that you will soon be on the road to recovery.....ej


by Pookie - 2010-02-24 03:02:53

You know I'm in your corner, thinking of you constantly. This surgery is going to be the one that works!!!!!!!

Stay strong,

Good Luck

by DanaT - 2010-02-24 06:02:55

Good luck Tammy. You are in my prayers as well.

I KNOW the power of prayer!

by painthorse - 2010-02-24 11:02:14

You can know that this woman will be praying for you by name continually and knowing what a blessing it is to hold a friend up to God's grace!

painthorse pat

Over 10,500 Members ~ ~

by Carolyn65 - 2010-02-24 11:02:59

Tammy, God Bless and Watch over you today and in your future recovery. Sounds like you are having a busy afternoon with those cute doctors (?) and all their medical bud-buds. LOL

Really, you know we all will be praying for you and will always keep you on our minds. You will do great.

Get back to us as soon as you feel like it, girl.

Take Care, Carolyn G. in TEXAS ( :

Looking forward

by qwerty - 2010-02-24 12:02:17

You got a rough week this week... but Spring is coming and so are better "feeling" days. We will be thinking about you. Get well and we will watch for your posts letting us know that you doing great!.


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I have an ICD which is both a pacer/defib. I have no problems with mine and it has saved my life.