In hospital

Everyone wanted to give you a update. I am in the hospital and will be for some time. I was in so much pain and couldn't fight the infection any longer.
They are going down my throat tomorrow to do a echo. I am a little nervous as I have not had this or gone through any of this in the past. MRSA sucks!

Pray please,



by paulb - 2010-02-20 03:02:21

I am so sorry to hear about all you are going through and I hope you get better. I will be praying for you.


by jessie - 2010-02-20 03:02:22

prayers and thoughts are with you....may god's grace envelope you and his peace surround you. hugs,maureen


by cfritza - 2010-02-20 05:02:32

Will be saying a special prayer for you for a quick recovery and you will be back home soon! Carol

be well

by Tracey_E - 2010-02-20 06:02:20

Sending hugs and healing prayers! I hope the echo's not as scary as it sounds. Can they sedate you?

Oh My Goodness

by ppt - 2010-02-20 07:02:26

What a lot to deal with. Sooooo sorry. My thoughts and prayers are with you.


by Pookie - 2010-02-20 08:02:10

I just don't know what to say. Words cannot express how much I care about you. I think it's been way over 2 yrs now that we have been corresponding and you have ALWAYS been there for me. You will never know how much your friendship means to me.

And to think you just emailed me 2 days ago asking how I was!!!!!!!

Don't you worry about me...I'm doing just fine. :)

Actually, I went shopping today and bought not one scarf, but 6!!!!!!!!!!! I know, it's crazy, but I was having a "good" day and as you know we have to take advantage of those good days. Then I came home and ate an entire bag of M&Ms yet again.

I am so glad you decided to go to the hospital. At least you are in a safe environment and hopefully they are taking good care of you. Too many times some of us think we will just "wait it out & hope it will just go away", but then there comes a point that you just know you have to go to the hospital and I'm glad you did.

Is the test you are having called a MUGA? do you know? Just curious as that is one of the ones I haven't had.

Well, my friend, you take care of yourself, try and eat, rest, and keep us posted if and when you can.

Luv yah,

You have my prayers.

by DanaT - 2010-02-20 08:02:14

Good luck Tammy. May it go by fast.

Sending you well wishes

by wenditt - 2010-02-20 08:02:28

Best of luck today. Be brave and hang in there. :-)

Kind Thoughts

by Wannabe - 2010-02-20 09:02:28

Darling Tammy - I'm sending kind thoughts and my prayers are with you - remember things are usually worse in anticipation rather than in realisation. I hope all goes well and I send all love, Sheila

A Prayer for Tammy

by pacergirl - 2010-02-20 10:02:16

Dearest Tammy girl,

May God look down upon you and quiet your fears, May His grace protect you and give you strength, May his love warm your body and soul... I pray these things for you.... May His love for you make you strong and healthy.

Blessings to you,


by tcrabtree85 - 2010-02-20 10:02:48

I thank you guys all for your many prayers. I didn't sleep last night. They told me my goal for today is to try to eat and drink. Which I haven't done very well. I have had a sip of water in 28hrs. I just don't feel like drinking gotta force myself though.

I know i'm stubborn and i'm pretty sure I will get through all of this and better loose some weight while I am at it.

Thank you again and when I know something more I will let you guys know.

Blessings and love,

Thinking of You

by MAXI1439 - 2010-02-20 11:02:35

So Tammy, why is it that even when we are ill and really need to do things to take care of ourselves, women always look at the bright side with weight loss as the outcome.

My thoughts are with you in your hospital stay. Make sure you do what they tell you so you won't have to be there too long. Hope all goes well.


In my thought and prayers

by aldeer - 2010-02-20 12:02:24

Tammy, you will be in my thoughts and prayers for a quick recovery. With love, aldeer


by Suze - 2010-02-20 12:02:39

Tammy, you will also be in my prayers for a swift recovery.
And please do keep us updated on how you are doing.


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