PM interaction with shop power tools

I have a new BIOTRONIK PM with their MRI compatible system.  All my life I have used power tools in my basement shop:  Hammer drills, conventional drills, Dremels, circular saws, jig saws, soldering guns, circular buffers, sanders and others tools that don't come to mind at the moment.  What is going to happen when I use these now?


Power Tools

by Selwyn - 2017-06-11 13:12:03

There is quite a bit to read about using power tools with PMs ( use the upper right search facility).

I would add:

Do not put the power tool next to your PM.Keep a safe distance (see below)

Arc welding may not be safe.

A safe distance for tools is 2 feet from the PM - I even use an induction hob in the kitchen like this without difficulty. 

A have used,  (hammer) drills, saws, planes, grinders etc. all without problems.

I am still trying to get information from BMW cars re. their charging unit for electric cars as the rapid charge public ones in the UK have a specific warning to keep 1m away if you have a PM.


Power tools

by Rhythmstorm - 2017-06-11 22:03:24

I am in the same boat. I have a large woodshop as well as a metal lathe and am leary whether or not it is safe to use them. I bought an (EMI) electomagnetic field gauge and it shows in the danger level just about everywhere I point it, house or garage. I have heard both ways and my cardio ep says they should be ok if the motors are shieded . My other concern is for the backup generators I have. Got to get a solid answer somewhere. Let me know if you hear of anything one way or the other.

Power tools and pm

by Rhythmstorm - 2017-06-11 22:04:34

I also have a Biotronik MRI safe pm too.


PM interaction with shop power tools

by Michigander - 2017-06-11 22:17:41

To:  gman

I will post something as soon as I learn more.  Like you, I have a large back up generator for my home and a 2 KW generator for my camper trailer.  I did not even think of those.

A one word...

by donr - 2017-06-11 22:22:45

...answer if you have a WOODWORKING shop - nothing!  I work w/ standard 120 & 240 V hand & bench power tools all the time w/ no ill effect.  I even rest the commutator end of my 24 V Bosh battery powered drills right up against my PM w/o ill effect.

If you get into 440 V industrial equipment, it is probably a different story. Several of our members are industrial maint folks & they have had some effect from the power dist systems in those environments.

All I can say i'd walk up slowly to your equipment, try it out one item at a time & see if it affects YOU AND your PM  we are all different.  Any ill effect, walk away - no harm will have been done.


Thanks for your help

by Michigander - 2017-06-12 09:50:19

Thanks to those of you who have commented on my question of electrical power interference with a PM.  Good of you to take the time to do so.

the pacer is shielded

by Tracey_E - 2017-06-12 14:46:42

You know how you have to wiggle the little device around to find the sweet spot when they do an interrogation? That device is a magnet and that's how hard it is for machinery to cause a problem. Even putting it directly over the device on purpose, you still have to sometimes scoot it back and forth to get it to work. It's highly unlikely you'd do it by accident.

ARC welding is the only thing to beware of. We can be near a generator or jump start a car, just don't stay too close to it for long. The amount of time it takes to start it up or plug something is is perfectly fine. Everything else, if in doubt keep it 6" from your device. The worst that can happen if we get too close to a magnet that's too strong is it goes into test mode like when they interrogate. It won't harm it, only cause a temporary mode switch.

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You can shop longer than the Energizer Bunny.

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