Can't stay awake

Had double lead pacemaker inserted on 10/05.  I am only taking my regular  medications and have taken 1 pain pill at night (which is not strong).

My initial pacemaker's bottom number has been set at 60. (I was very bradycardia before that). No other adjustments have been made.

Also I was, and still am having PVC's.    I could not be put on medicines before due to the bradycardia.

I have an appt on Wed., but no appt was set up with the cardiologist.

1) Did you feel extra tired after you pacemaker placement?  If so, how long did it last?

2) How long after surgery did you see the cardiologist?  Were adjustments made at that visit?

3) How long after the PM insertion did you start to feel better?




by Cajun Girl - 2016-10-08 23:40:33

thank you for responding.  I would like to hear from more people about their initial experience.

So Tired ...

by FaithGrace - 2016-10-08 23:54:24

1). I was exhausted the day of surgery, zonked right out on my couch at home for most of the first day/night.  I was a little extra tired but mostly just quite sore for the rest of the first week.  The 2nd week was better but still sore! I felt "off" kind of not myself and really didn't dare drive for the first week for sure, even though I was told I could drive.  I was not really that tired as you are experiencing, just felt off and not normal.  

2) I did not see my EP after my surgery, only the device check specialist 8 days after my implant.  My low setting was changed from 40bpm to 50bpm due to an episode I had during the first week.  

3)  Some of my symptoms were gone right away like my limbs going into a "hard numbing sleep" at night. It was a week or so I would say for my bouts of dizziness to go away.  2-3 weeks for my energy level to improve.  

I guess I would look for improvement each day, and if you're not seeing it, I would call your EP's nurse and discuss your concerns with him/her.  I was told to call if I experienced any of my pre surgery symptoms like dizziness, shortness of breath, low heart rate.  Also fever over 101.  

Prayers for you and for the return of your much needed energy and general feeling of getting much better!!  

Take care and let us know how you are doing! 

Immediate results

by Hoser - 2016-10-09 00:18:28

i was in CHF with an EF of 15% and a heart rate over 100 bps. After the initial few days of post-surgery sluggishness and pain, I felt much better almost immediately.

My point being that AngrySparrow and I represent two extremes, and everyone's results will be a bit different.

Pay attention to your body and ask LOTS of questions of your doctors and nurses because information really is power.

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