things get better...

In the beginning when i first got my pacemaker i was very upset and depressed. I feel so much better now that 3 years have gone past. I dont feel depressed any more. I guess it is normal for us to feel sad and depressed at times but i just wanted you to know that things do get better. Yes, there are times when i feel frustrated about certain things that i cannot control but when i look at the bigger picture...Im just thankful to God that i am alive. So i pray right now for all of you. In the name of Jesus, that God take away all depression, anxiety and sadness that come with getting a pacer/icd and other heart problems. I pray that God fill our hearts with love and joy and that we find a way to look at the good things in our lives rather than the bad. I used to think why me? But if i never would of gotten my pacemaker i never would truly cherish my life and i probably would have never been to this awesome site and have met such wonderful people. God bless you all.



by Christmmpace - 2009-06-04 01:06:55

You know me, I can't pass up someone talking about our Lord. Thank you so much for your encouragement and I wish you the best for many years to come. You've been a wonderful addition to this club. I know from time to time we tend to fade away from this club, but the love and friendship keeps us coming back. I love this place, it's like a heaven of people going through the same struggles. Some day we will be without a pacemaker when we're in front of our Lord Jesus Christ. May all your dreams come true and may you find happiness in everything you touch. God bless you my dear friend and thank you so much for your posting.

Christ Make Me Pace

Proverbs 17:22

by boomerbabe - 2009-06-06 07:06:13

"A happy heart is a good medicine and a cheerful mind works healing; but a broken spirit dries up the bones." there is really healing power in a cheerful attitude God Bless U ..I love this place thank U all


by Hot Heart - 2009-06-07 03:06:54

Thanks Brokenheart, there really are some lovely people on here, I'm so glad I found this site.

HH x

Thanks be to God.

by ahtaylor - 2009-09-15 10:09:17

It has been three years for me as well. My pm was implanted June 30, 2006. I went in to have an EP study done, which didn't turn out to well and ended up with a PM. I was depressed for over six months, I could not believe that I need a PM. I was diagnosed with SVT several years prior.

God delivered me from my depression. Although some days I feel down and out but through it all I am still here.

I have been having a few problems lately. It is hard for me to get to sleep at night because I am experiencing palpatations. Overall, it is not bad, my good days surely out way my bad.

You know you're wired when...

A thirty-day guarantee is not good enough.

Member Quotes

This is my second Christmas with my pacemaker and I am so happy to be with my family.