4 month checkup

I go tomorrow for my checkup, wondering what I should ask? I have no idea about settings or how much I am pacing. My husband was told after my implant that I was now 100% dependent as I went into total block in surgery.
I have to have an ultrasound tomorrow as there is a lump at end of collar bone since implant and they want to check it.
Input welcome....:-)


Good luck

by Pookie - 2015-03-30 08:03:38

Ask for a print out. You may not be able to figure it all out, but if you start gathering them every time you may see a pattern or you may see where they did some setting adjustments. Not all hospitals are willing to hand them to you, but I would at least ask.

If you are feeling better then I don't know what you would ask. However, if you are having ANY issues please tell the pacemaker technician.

I am going to take a wild guess at the lump - it could be a keloid (spelling???) which is basically a lump of scar tissue. If it is bothersome there are a few ways they may be able to help you, but I will also guess they may say it is part of the healing process and will ask you to "wait and see" if it improves with time.

Anyways, the best of luck and perhaps you can let us know what they say???

Take care,

Write down questions

by Theknotguy - 2015-03-30 09:03:14

Ask for your PM printout. In a lot of States it is the law they have to give you the information. So stand your ground if they give you any grief. We've had some members on the forum who have had trouble but I think that problem is mostly resolved. But be adamant if you have any reluctance.

Write down any questions you have. That sounds funny but sometimes I'll get new information with the PM read, the mind goes off on a tangent and I forget to get the important questions answered.

I also keep a notebook at home with all the PM printouts. Sometimes it's nice to go back and look at the previous information. You can track different things that way.

Hope the reading on your collar bone goes well. Hope everything with your PM continues to go well.


by candi - 2015-03-30 09:03:54

I have keloid scar tissue which has developed on my scar but the lump is just on interior edge of collar bone. Triangular shaped raised area, about 1/4". Just odd. I have questions listed on my smart phone, hope I remember to ask. Thanks everyone...

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