- by Nick.k(uk)
- 2014-12-09 10:12:50
- Exercise & Sports
Almost 4 weeks post implant and am back running albeit slower than prior.
Post exercise I will get some soreness at PM site which lingers. Almost 48hrs since last gentle run and site still uncomfortable, not really painful. Due to run again this PM, any thoughts.
Am I placing self, PM wires at risk beyond discomfort?
Has anyone tried kinsie tape or similar in an attempt to restrict PM moving in its pocket?
Thanks Nick
Going to be sore
by Theknotguy - 2014-12-09 11:12:17
You're going to be sore. Tissue hasn't had a chance to completely heal yet, so it reminds you by being sore.
You might pull the leads, but they'll remind you very quickly if you have. Doubt if there is a chance to actually tear out the leads from running unless there was a prior problem.
Pulled the leads throwing a ball for the pooch. They hurt for about three weeks. So that's why I say you'll know if you pull the leads.
Biggest test / reminder is how you feel. If it really hurts, you'll have to stop. Walking is still good albeit at a much slower pace than you are accustomed.
Due to trauma prior to PM didn't get back to real exercise until 7th month. Sometimes it felt like I had a disk with knife sharp edges in the PM pocket. Water, rest, tylenol, cold compresses. Waited until it didn't hurt (about a week) so much then went back at it again. Now I can do whatever I want - over a year now.
UK has a lot of hiking trails and they're good ones too. Why not take a day pack and give it a go. Less bouncing around until you give the PM pocket a little more time to heal. Or do part running, part hiking? Are you that far from Crickhowel?
When I was over in the UK I didn't get to see everything. In the US we have heavy plastic bottles with a blue fluid in them. You can freeze them and use instead of ice. I assume, since the UK is in the civilized part of the world you have something similar? Freeze them, wrap a towel around them and use as a cold, dry compress. Works great.
Hope to hear you can start training for another marathon.
You know you're wired when...
You can hear your heartbeat in your cell phone.
Member Quotes
I'm a runner, mountain climber, kayaker, snow skier, bicycler and scuba diver. The only activity among those that I'm not yet cleared to do is scuba diving, and when I am cleared, I'll be limited to diving to 50 feet.
Thanks knot guy
by Nick.k(uk) - 2014-12-09 05:12:08
Seems as though all is ok then as I said no real pain so far and am avoiding intense work outs and running slower than priorâ¦the latter not really through choice. Will keep working steadily.
We have small blue blocks that you can freeze (I guess we have smaller fridgesâ¦) but I use packs of frozen peas
Many Thanks Nick