Faster resting heart rate after new PM and leads

Hi everyone,

I recently had to have one of my leads removed and got a new PM as well and have had a high resting heart rate since (about 90 vs 60 previously). Dr's said this was ok but I am just wondering if anyone has had or heard about this happening and if it could mean anything. I am able to do most things although I havent exercised as much as I did before the lead replacement. When I have taken my bike out, I do notice that I have less endurance than before but that could me just being ot in as good shape as before. Just looking for some thoughts.




by Tracey_E - 2009-11-09 02:11:34

Ask them to check and make sure your new pm has the same settings as the old one.

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Since I got my pacemaker, I don't pass out anymore! That's a blessing in itself.