D.P. syndrome

Did any other females get a painful "Dolly Parton syndrome" from the upper torso swelling due to the surgery? I mentioned it to the docs at my 2 week checkup/device test ( it had gone away by that time) and at first they looked puzzled, then burst out laughing.



by Tracey_E - 2014-02-19 01:02:27

I was told lifting up to 20# was ok. I didn't actually lift that much right away, more than 10# or so pulled so I didn't push it. You can raise your elbow, just not higher than shoulder level. It's important to move your arm freely, don't want the shoulder to freeze. I carried hand weights with me when I walked, did curls and raises out to the side, stuff like that. Most core exercises are ok.

I know it feels like it but you won't lose much muscle, and what you do will come back quickly. You'll be back at the gym before you know it!


by Tracey_E - 2014-02-19 10:02:01

I don't think I'm big enough to qualify for DP syndrome, but I found ice helped a lot with the swelling. Have you tried athletic bras? A few of them are available with hooks in the front. I know Champion has a line with front hooks and various cup sizes. Good luck!


by flutetooter - 2014-02-19 12:02:19

Thanks, Tracy. The swelling is almost gone. Now I have to figure out how to exercise other than walking to prevent more muscle loss during the next weeks. I think I can use 2 to 4 lb. weights and sit on a balance ball doing arm bicep curls while keeping my elbows down and close to the bdy. I sure miss the gym!

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