Holster results

Okay, just goty holster monitor results on my electronic record- still awaiting dr to inform me.. .. they are as follows
Holter Indications-palpitation Length of Recording-29 hour Heart Rate, Range & Rhythm-sinus rhythm at an average of 67 beats per minute with a range of 60-143 beats per minute Supraventricular Arrhythmia-two premature atrial beats Ventricular Arrhythmia-1 premature ventricular beat Bradycardia and Heart Block. The patient had multiple episodes of flutter in her chest. All of these episodes were associated with sinus rhythm "
Hope to hear from EP this week. Meds appear to be helping some, but I continue to be very symptomatic. Tomorrow's another day- and it will be a good one:)
Thanks everyone for your comments !


Perfectly fine

by golden_snitch - 2013-12-24 07:12:42


The holter results you posted here are absolutely alright, nothing wrong at all. The flutter in your chest cannot be explained with arrhythmias, because when you noticed it you were in normal sinus rhythm. So, not sure what you are feeling.

Perfect holter. Maybe it's not the heart that's causing your symptoms?

Merry Christmas


Interesting report - for two reasons

by donr - 2013-12-24 11:12:30

Reason 1) Social Commentary - whoever wrote that report for your records did not pass high school English, whether it was a human interpreter of the output data or the computer programmer who set up the algorithm for the machine to use in generating its report. Sad state of what our medical system is becoming. (Remember the book "Eats, Shoots and Leaves"? A few more punctuation marks would have been helpful to understanding.)

Reason 2) You have great rhythm when considering PVC's - only 1 during a 29 hr period.

Assuming that you wrote a diary to accompany the test period results, it reads like the analyst left the word "Normal" out of the description of flutter associated w/ sinus rhythm.

I just went back & read all of your bio sketch & history of posts. You described yourself thusly: "...I'm a mess:)" - tongue in cheek, I hope. Reading the number of procedures you have had to endure in a 31 year lifespan, I am inclined to agree w/ Inga's suggestion that it's not your heart causing your symptoms.

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