BP going down after PC placement

Before had the PC placed, my bp was running 180-200/90-100
in the am on awakening. Since placement last Monday, BP has been going down every day and I'm having to adjust meds
daily. Didn't know for sure if PC and BP effect each other but it
sure looks like it does. My heartrate at night was going down to the high 30s. Now the PC is set on 60. Yesterday, BP went down to 100/45 and I became very week and still feel a little weak. Hopefully, as time goes on, I'll gain my strength back as I've always been very active.


I've noticed similar BP results

by KAG - 2013-08-27 10:08:40

My BP is less than it used to be too. Not as much as yours but still lower. Interesting if it is due to the PM.

I also noticed that my pulse is not as strong as it used to be. It used to be easy to find my pulse but it's a softer beat now.


BP Results

by Lola - 2013-08-27 11:08:32

your blood pressure and heart rate go hand in hand....your heart rate is in danger at anything over 100, go back to the doctor and if you are having breathing problems...go to emergency!!!


by Tracey_E - 2013-08-28 11:08:19

Changes in heart rate do not directly affect bp but it's possible that the better circulation is making your medication work more efficiently. Do no self medicate! If your meds need changed, talk to your dr.


by ItsmeWayne - 2013-08-28 11:08:53

Hi Millie,
When the low number goes under 60 (ex: 100/60), it is not a good thing and your blood pressure meds need to be tweaked more.
Call your doc and tell him that your diastolic pressure is at 45 and you are having symptoms, of weakness. This needs to be addressed, as you are most likely taking too much BP meds.
Itsme Wayne


by katxray - 2013-08-30 10:08:16

Since my pm, which will be 2 years October 2013, I freeze every night...I just can't get warm..right..it's still summer, also I have noticed my BP is down compared to pre PM. Does anyone else get cold every evening....hmmmmm Cold flashes???

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Member Quotes

It may be the first time we've felt a normal heart rhythm in a long time, so of course it seems too fast and too strong.