Help...Quick Question?

I am a 52 year old male. No previous heart issues but last year needed a pacemaker due to 3rd degree block. No problems at all since, very active and no symptoms.

My electronic monitor reported that I had an arythemia and the tech called and asked that I come in to see the doctor. I am going next week, but am a little concerned. Anyone else have this happen to them and what was the outcome?



Try to not worry

by syoung00 - 2013-03-09 06:03:35

Thought I would share that I also came down with 3rd degree block at age 54 and had no previous heart issues. Like you, I have not had any issues and been very active.

I have not have had what you describe but I would not worry. Since we are being paced 100% of the time it could be just some irregularities.

Being two years now with mine I can tell you the second year of living with this little wonder is easier. You and I are truly blessed to live in this advanced tech age.

As you know without our PM's we would be sitting in a rocker not out living our life to the fullest.

Let me know how it goes.

Not to worry

by ElectricFrank - 2013-03-10 12:03:47

Look at it this way. If it was something serious the doc wouldn't be waiting until next week. Most likely it is something like needing some tweaking of the settings.

By the way I have AV Block as well. It is the most straight forward to handle with a pacemaker. You just have a defect in the nerve bundle that times the atrium and ventricle chambers. The pacer just wires around the defect and all is well.


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