Getting a new pacer with remote monitoring

I just got back from the Doc's and he's implanting a new medtronics pacemaker on Wednesday! He said this one will have remote monitoring. I was looking it up on the web and do you have to have a landline phone or can this be done by cell phone?
Any of you have this and what do you think about it? It's been 9 years since the original one and this is my 1st new implant!
I'm also more scared this time around...any of you experience that and what was your recovery like?

Thanks so much!


New pacer

by Surf123 - 2013-01-11 04:01:09

Hi Becky,

You need a landline if you do not want to pay medtronic for the adapter to use with your cellphone. Other equipment is free. I'm postop day 7 dual chamber pacemaker. Only issue I have is incision pain which is unbearable when it hits me. Tell doc you want MRI ready pacemaker since your getting new one invade you need MRI in future.

Hope this helps


Land line

by judy13 - 2013-01-11 04:01:55


I have a Medtronics pacer and do have the Carelink machine. It is really nifty in that it saves you from having to go into the EP very often if all is well.

However, I can't see how it would work without a landline. You take the line that is going into your telephone, and plug it into a hole in this machine, which is essentially a modem. It dials out to your pacer clinic and downloads the information on your pacer. If you change pacer clinics they just switch who they send the info to. Pretty classy. You hold an antenna over your pacer at the beginning of the transmission similar to the one they hang over it in the office.



by Alma Annie - 2013-01-11 06:01:00

hi Becky,
Yes you do need a landline. It does not take very long to download or to send. If you don't have a landline how about finding a neighbour who does. Failing that you could go to your nearest medical centre and beg a line. It does not cost anything as it is done on a free call. Here in Australia it is an 1800 number.
Let us know how you go.
Alma Annie


by DaisyGrammy - 2013-01-11 07:01:33

Can you send me the link for ebay for the product you bought? I would like to purchase that

Landline ~ ~ ~

by Carolyn65 - 2013-01-12 02:01:17

I love my machine in it's own lil' kit. It uses my hand held land line. The heart office calls once/quarterly by appt. w/me.

By me knowing the day/time, I get a box off my top shelf in the closet, open it, take out the 'bracelets, put a lil' 'bracelet' on each wrist and wait for the 'call'. When the tech calls, she tells me the same easy instructions she tells me each of the 3 quarters, which involves laying my hand held land line on the 'box' & it transfers my info to the office. Then we make an appt. for the next quarter and hang up. The fourth quarter, I do have to go to the office and the tech does the same tests, just bigger machines in the Dr. office.

Sure saves having to leave the comfort of home, drive in the crazy traffic and sit in a Dr. office waiting and/or getting the flu 'bug' 3 times/year ~

Highly recommend the home monitoring ~
Carolyn in TEXAS ~ ~ ~

home monitor

by SUPERSALE - 2013-01-14 11:01:45

I have home monitor and m-link so i use it when i need it

m-link in 10.99 plus tax 11.56 per month

it run on celluar phone

sykpe or magicjack other phone it won't work

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I've seen many posts about people being concerned about exercise after having a device so thought I would let you know that yesterday I raced my first marathon since having my pacemaker fitted in fall 2004.