Contradictory Results - What's the Explanation?

I had a very puzzling appointment with my cardiologist at Toronto General yesterday. I went for an echo, blood work and cardio-pulmonary. I then met with my cardiologist to review the results and that’s where it got confusing.

My cardio pulmonary results improved dramatically from 6 months prior (which was not surprising since my exercise routine had increased), but the echo demonstrated the my EF had dropped to 20% (I know this is not the best way to measure EF but 6 months earlier with the same equipment my EF was 3) also the echo showed that my heart had gotten larger 57 mm to 62 mm. So in short what is happening is that the structure of the heart worsen but the function of the heart is got better.

Anyone else come across this type of situation before? Can anyone explain?

If this keeps up I’ll cycle 15 miles on the day I get a transplant!


What kind of problem

by fishfighter - 2012-02-01 07:02:17

You had to start with? Reason I ask is that I went thru something like you. My heart damage is from a viro infection. I had a CRD-D implant. Started feeling great and my EF went up to around 30. After about 5 months and start feeling bad again. They did a right heart cath which came out to putting my EF below 10.

Now, I'm on a heart transplant list. Hang in there and get a second doctor to check you.

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