To change or not to change

That is truly my question today. I am off to the doc today for my first visit since receiving my last pacer. We have discussed turning down my voltage for more battery life. This is my 15th pacer in 16 years. I have to have my voltage turned up to the max to achieve a decent EKG without tons of afib, PVC, etc. when it is lower my CHF kicks in with a vengeance. However due to the fact my last pacer only lasted 7 months, I am considering trying it. I will have to go on a very low dosage of Coreg because the full dose caused me to go blind (shut down blood flow to topic nerve). My doc says he will turn in back up if I become sick at the lower rate. I'm just very confused on what to do in this. I have good days and bad days and remember the days when CHF had me in a wheelchair, on oxygen and on the transplant list. I'm really scared of doing this but also afraid For the battery life. It has been declining by 30 day intervals for the last 5 to 6 pacers. I use to get about a year out of them. Any advice would be appreciated!

Just wanted to say finding you guys has been so helpful!

Hope everyone has a great day,



by Shortcake - 2012-05-15 09:05:34

Thanks for your friendship and your prayers. I'm still waiting on that lightning bolt ;) !

Hope you are doing well. I will shot you an email this evening with the results of the day!

Have a wonderful day!

Thoughts & Prayers!

by Many Blessings - 2012-05-15 09:05:43

Hi Susan,

I've been thinking of so much, and was just getting ready to email you, knowing today is the day.

My thoughts and prayers are with you that you and your doctors make the right decision on what to do on this.

Take care and let us know how you do.

Prayers for you and the doctors! You will be in my thoughts all day.

You know you're wired when...

You have a little piece of high-tech in your chest.

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It becomes a part of your body just like any other part.