

Does anyone one knows if we can get into a jacuzzi with no problems?  Also, if I can use the hair dryer and use the devices that are connected to electricity to straighten my hair?

I suppose a massage with magnet stones will not be a good idea.  

Thank you in advance,


Skip the magnet stones

by kathykat11 - 2012-01-10 01:01:37

but go for it with the others. I don't know if they would be strong enough to cause a problem but why ask for trouble. Of course since it doesn't do any harm to the pacer you could always try and if it does anything just stop and ask for heated stones instead. Magnet stones would be okay away from the insertion site anyway. As you can see I argued on both sides.

I have been in a jacuzzi

by janetinak - 2012-01-10 02:01:44

lots of times. Altho I don't have one I love the heated water so when ever I can get into one I do & never hurt my PM. In fact, I asked aftyer PM put in & told its OK & it has been.

Can't relate to hair straightner as I am always getting mine perm'd to get some curls.

Have fun in the jacuzzi. Wish I had one now as its 10 below in Anchorage with over 6 ft of snow so far & another 3+ months of winter :-(


Jacuzzi? It depends...

by jenny97 - 2012-01-10 10:01:23

As far as the pacemaker is concerned, as others have said, there shouldn't be any issues. But whether or not the jacuzzi is safe for you may be dependent on your condition. I get low blood pressure and even though the pacemaker helps with the accompanying low pulse, BP still drops, so I tend to faint in warm water. Therefore, for me, a a jacuzzi is still not a good idea.


by Duke Heart Patient - 2012-01-11 04:01:32

I don't think drying your hair in the jacuzzi is a good idea however weting your hair in the jacuzzi sounds nice. I would leave the haridryer out ... :)

I don't think there are any concerns with the jacuzzi , Just know your body and your limits ...

Enjoy ...

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