Arm Swelling

Hi Everybody,

Just wanted to ask if anyone knows about whether the pacemaker (on my left side) would possibly affect the lymph nodes' efficiency to my left arm. I had my arm swell up moderately after a relatively hot day and then once again took myself off to hospital. I ended up having tests for a dvt etc, all was clear. This was on Christmas day so no one really wanted to investigate further and I am now wondering what it could be ? I am thinking it may be a mild case of lymphedema (as I have previously had surgery to my armpit in 2007 - nothing serious though, but I may have had some nodes removed but I am not sure). This has never been a problem before and this is the first year (and summer) with my pacemaker. So I was thinking it could be a combination of both factors - armpit trauma and pacemaker may be sitting over the top of the nodes in my chest on that side. I have also noticed that I can see more vessels under my skin which has only occurred since having the pacer put in and I do not have these on the other side of my chest and right arm. My other arm is completely fine and I have been feeling slight discomfort to my left shoulder and arm since having the pacemaker put in (which is on the left side).

Thanks and I hope all of you had a great Christmas and you all have a great New Year :o)




by Hot Heart - 2011-12-27 03:12:58

I have lymphodema in my legs after my lipsuction surgery went wrong (long story) the UK there are lymphodema nurses attached to cancer wards and hospices. It might be worth asking if you can be referred to one just to get it checked out.


Shoulders are Tricky

by MORTSMOM - 2011-12-27 10:12:39

I would have a conversation with someone I trusted to be knowledgeable, about shoulders and PM.

I had a awful bruise and swelling after the implant of my CRT-D. It ran from my shoulder down almost to my waist. I used ice, heat and massage to get my circulation functioning. Three months later, I still have the area massaged, and I do physiotherapy with my shoulder every other day. I have had major problems with my shoulders in the past, so I take very good care of them. My device is an irritant, however it is necessary to my survival.

Since you have had concerns about your Lymph Nodes in the past, I would have myself carefully examined. I think your Summer is just starting, so it seems the symptoms will increase with the season. I hope if you error, it will be on the side of caution. The New Year awaits us, so get started with conformation, that everything is going great. MortsMom


by cazzbeth - 2011-12-28 12:12:17


Thanks for both comments. Just to clarify I have had this side and area checked out a lot in the past five years - Two mamograms, one ultrasound and numerous doctors prodding and poking. The ultrasound was done only on Christmas day 2011 (3 days ago) they checked for both DVT and cancer - nothing so all clear. This would be a standard response to arm swelling - check out all possible nasties then cross that off the list. I have had excess breast tissue (post pregnancy) removed in the past. I figure this could have caused trama to my armpit which would compromise drainage if somethiing like a pacemaker was placed near it over the top of the other lymph nodes in that same region.

I suppose my question is does the past surgery along with a new pacemaker excerbate drainage issues to the arm on the side that the pacemaker is placed on?

Summer in Australia is well and truely here so I guess swelling would be more of a problem now than before (winter) when I had it put in.




My lymphedema has gotten worse since surgery

by kathykat11 - 2011-12-29 11:12:10

I had lymphedema before I had pacer surgery and it has gotten a bit worse. I had my pacer inserted as emergency surgery and had no time to research before so i had no idea they went through the innominate vein to reach the heart... I have only had external pacing with my heart surgery...I have no idea what I thought they were going to do. I knew my innominate vein had been tied off in 1983...another story. So they tried to place the pacer on the left side but coulsn't I developed a huge hematoma there and they went ahead to plce the placer on the right. I had to have that surgery revised 4 months later and it has been doing pretty well. But the lymphedema has gotten worse, not terribly much worse but o can no longer wear my good interview suit because my arm will no longer fit down the sleeve sort of worse. My arm works well and is not in pain but it looks nasty to me and I keep it covered as much as possible. This would be a problem if i suffered with the heat but I don't so. All in all, I am sill better than I was before.

Thanks for your comment

by cazzbeth - 2012-01-13 08:01:44

My arm has been doing better since I stopped wearing tight bras over the pacer. I cant wear my nice ones but hey that is okay. My arm is still a little bigger than the other side it is not noticible. I am going to have it reviewed next week by the specialist. Th swelling hasnt happened since christmas but sometimes is is a little uncomfortable. The pacer was place deep inot my chest muscle because of my age and that I am single. I might be able to have it moved closer to the skin and that might fix the problem (heres hoping) I think I will be okay I really dont have any other issues with it and I am doing well. Hope you all had a great christmas and new year. Take Care Pacers :o)

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